Page 81 of The Way We Score
you sure are being bossy tonight, Champ.
You made me tell, now spill it.
I’ve managed to slip out with only a few guys yelling at me for being a nun and not going out with them. I flip them the bird, my eyes on my phone as I headed to my waiting SUV.
Fred holds the door as I hop inside. Those players know what it’s like to have a lady, and I’ve seen them all glued to their phones at one point or another like it’s an Uncrustable PB&J sandwich.
I think I’d like a little girl But I’d love a little boy, especially if he’s as sweet as his daddy.
Fuck, that hits. Mommy and Daddy.
I’m tight with anticipation, ready for it to be tomorrow. I’m ready for all of this to change. I send her a quick goodnight and shift direction. Up to now, my entire focus has been on Liv and her needs. It’s time for me to take care of business.
Jack’s probably still with our family at the restaurant if he was there watching the game. Still, I shoot him a quick text. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while.
Hey, man, making a quick trip home. Got some news, but keep it on the DL, okay?
Back at my apartment, I place my phone on thecounter and pull down a glass. I don’t expect to hear from my brother until tomorrow, so I’m surprised when it lights up with a text from him.
What’s up?
Scooping up the device, I hesitate a moment, thinking about how I want to present this.
What’s the status of our plan?
Rodney said Faye Huntington is retiring in March. It’ll fit perfectly with your return. If you’re still interested.
What are the chances I might start sooner?
How soon are we talking?
This month? Next?
I’m hoping for sooner, but I still haven’t gotten the word from the coaches.
No gray dots. It’s like my whole phone goes silent. Was that too much? Chewing my lip, I hate the tightness in my chest. I hate this uncertainty. It makes me angry.
I hate thinking the owners who should have my back won’t, and I hate feeling like I’m taking advantage of the kindness of locals I never see anymore.
Still, it’s the way of the world. We help each other in the hopes that when it all comes around, like it always does, someone will be there to help us. At least I’m sure of my family, and the goodwill we’ve built up in the community.
Let me see what I can find out. Is there some reason you’re wanting something so soon? You’re still undercontract.
Inhaling slowly, I type the words.
Please keep this between us… Liv is pregnant. It’s mine, and I told her I’d be there for her.