Page 91 of The Way We Score
I love that! It goes with your mom being Plum and you being Cherry…
No, Gwyneth Paltrow!
I love the name Apple
We’re just calling it by the weekly fruit. Next week, it’ll be avocado.
Okay, that’s cute
I’m so excited to have Grizz home at last. Piggyback rides for all!
Poor Grizz.
I’ve only known him a little while, but I think he likes it.
I’m happy he’s here, too.
Oh, Liv, I can’t wait for your happily ever after.
A healthy baby is all the HEA I need.
“The heartbeat is very strong.” Dr. Pierce does her own ultrasounds, and at her encouraging tone, I exhale for the first time in seven days. “You might start to feel a little kicking. It’ll be like flutters in your stomach.”
Garrett’s hand tightens on mine, and I smile. He hasn’t left my side the entire week. Every morning, he’s up making my half-caff coffee. He said the experts are divided on whether caffeine is dangerous, but all seem to agree two cups a day is okay.
When we were sure I wasn’t spotting anymore, he went to meet with Rodney Brewer at the sheriff’s office in town. I had no idea he was planning to take a job in law enforcement. He said he didn’t want to mention it in case it didn’t work out.
He helped me feed the chickens, and I showed him Henny Lane flat on her nest making dinosaur noises whenever we approached. I showed him how I carefully checked her for fresh eggs and slipped them out without upsetting her, always taking care to leave one behind.
Rachel dropped off a casserole, and her younger brother Edward informed us chickens are the closest animals to dinosaurs still alive today—even closer than alligators. I’ve seen them eat mice, so I believe it. She also invited me to join her at Miss Gina’s for water aerobics and yoga, which I’m totally doing.
Tension made the days pass slowly, but suddenly we’re back for our follow-up visit with Dr. Pierce, who is now my regular obstetrician.
“If you look right here, you can see the outline of the skull, and down here the fingers have formed.” The corners of her black eyes wrinkle with her smile. “We can tell the sex if you’d like?”
My eyes cut to Garrett’s, and his eyebrows lift. We didn’t talk about this, but I kind of want to know.
“Okay?” I ask, and he gives me a little nod.
“We can never say for sure it’s not a boy, but I don’t see any indication it is.”
A baby girl. Energy blooms in my chest, and I can’t hold back a smile. His eyes shine at me, and he lifts my knuckles to his lips for a kiss. I tap the wetness from my cheek, because of course, I welled up again.