Page 98 of The Way We Score
“You do.” My lips press into a smile.
“Well, he’s over here so early every morning anyway.” She picks up the duffel bag, hauling it over her shoulder. “Tell him I don’t mind if he stays in my room. I’ve washed the sheets.”
“Gwen just called, and you had time to do all this packingandwash your sheets?” I can’t resist poking holes in this very obvious attempt to put Garrett and me in the same house forseveral weeks.
“It’s one of my rotating chores, Olivia.” She gives me a look. “How often do you wash your sheets?”
“I don’t have a schedule.”
“Well, you should.” She pulls the handle out of her large rolling suitcase, and I take the medium one. “Anyway, I’m only a few hours away if you need me. I’ll be back in plenty of time for the delivery.”
Following her to the car, I watch as she puts the bags in the trunk.
Turning, she pulls me into a firm hug. “I love you, Olivia.” Stepping back, she holds my hands, smiling up at me. “Remember what I’ve always told you.”
She climbs into her enormous Lincoln, and I prop a hand on my hip. “Love you, Mom. Drive safe.”
I stand watching as she heads out onto the road. When she gets to the stop, she sticks an arm out and waves. I wave back, knowing exactly what she’s referencing when she tells me to remember. It was her mantra when I was in high school.
Garrett Bradford is nothing like your father.
“Holy shit,animal control is wild. I might change careers.” Garrett’s voice booms from the kitchen as he enters the house. “You’re not going to believe what Aubrey Schiffer did today.”
Sitting up from where I’d fallen asleep on the couch, I pushmy hair off my cheek, rubbing my eyes. “Hey…” My voice is thick with sleep. “I take it you had a good first day?”
“I don’t want to give you the wrong idea, but I think animal control might be the most important branch of law enforcement.”
That makes me laugh, and I move my legs around to the floor. “What happened?”
“First, come with me.” He takes my hands in his, gently lifting me to my feet. “Dylan said they’ve made a feast for you at the restaurant. They have buffalo wings, chili-cheese burritos, Thomas made his version of a White Castle burger, and Allie made her mom’s special beignets.”
I look around the dimly lit living room. “Am I dreaming?”
“Nope.” Garrett puts his arm around my waist. “I mentioned you were having some pregnancy cravings, and my little sister got together with her partners in crime to be sure you have everything you need.”
Tilting my head, I smile up at him. “Why are they so sweet?”
“Because you’re my girl, and you know Dylan. She loves you, and she loves a cooking challenge.”
Pressing my lips together, I silently acknowledge the tingle of pride in my veins at him calling me his girl. I’m hopeless, and I don’t even care.
He holds my hand as we take the short walk to the restaurant, and I think about hopping on his back. It won’t be long before my stomach prevents that option. I’m wearing a larger size of jeans, and my red sweater hugs my body. Sliding my hand over my stomach, I’m pretty sure I’ve got the start of a bump.
Dylan meets us at the door. “Look at you!” She steps back holding my hands and lifting my arms. “I think I see a pooch!”
“Do you?” I look down, sliding my hands over my thickening middle. “It’s either that or a food baby.”
“It is not a food baby. It’s little… What fruit are we on now?”
“You’re going to love this one.” I lean forward. “Bell pepper.”
“Craig’s going to love it.” Her nose wrinkles, but she’s laughing.
Rachel skips out of the kitchen to where we’re talking “You’re here! Let me see that baby bump!”
“It might only be a food-baby bump.” Turning to the side, I put my hand on my middle. “You won’t believe how much crap I’ve been eating. Your poor brother has been working overtime.”
Garrett puts a hand on my shoulder and leans down to kiss the top of my head. “Gotta keep my ladies satisfied.”