Page 36 of The Omega Thief
“She tried to turn her mate at the presentation, and it didn’t happen. Her enemies at court cried foul and decreed her mate was a human. Queen Charlotte knew that wasn’t true, so she agreed to the wolf trials.”
“Which are?” Attiker asked, knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.
“Two trials that can only be completed by a wolf, or in certain circumstances, a human with a wolf’s ability.”
Laronne smiled. “Well, that’s perfect then. Attiker’s wolf has granted him abilities no mere man can copy.”
But Attiker took note of Raz’s face. “But it’s not that easy, is it?” He knew. How, he wasn’t sure, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
Raz lifted his gaze to Attiker’s. “Both tasks are potentially deadly.”
“What happened to Queen Charlotte’s mate?” he asked, even though he was sure of the answer.
Raz held his gaze. “He died after failing to complete the second.”
RazgazedatAttiker,not knowing where to start.
“Can we just back up here a little,” Attiker said. “Firstly, I asked you what a presentation was yesterday, and you didn’t tell me. Are you saying you have to change me into a wolf in front of everyone?”
Raz scraped a hand over his face and nodded. What in God’s name was he going to do?
“And what happens when you can’t?”
Laronne had gone from complacent and genial to distraught in the blink of an eye. “Your Highness—”
“Not your fault,” Raz interrupted him, and it wasn’t. “I got distracted all day with the death of the servant.” He got up and rang the same bell hung by the fireplace. This time, a different servant appeared. She curtseyed. “Can you please organize some tea and have Captain Thakeray and my chamberlain Carter summoned?” She bobbed again.
“Maddy?” Laronne stopped her. “Where’s Gimlick?”
“Gone home, Master Laronne.”
Laronne thanked her, and she left. “Do you want me to send runners after him?”
Raz shook his head. “No, let’s see what Carter and Thakeray have to say first.” He wanted to know exactly what the legal challenges were.
Carter and Thakeray arrived nearly simultaneously.
Raz looked at his captain. “Once we’ve been served coffee, I need two guards on the other side of the healer room doors. No one’s allowed in without us being aware of it, as this conversation must remain private.”
Thakeray nodded and left briefly while Maddy returned with tea and cake. Attiker groaned.
“I’m going to be the size of a house.”
Raz allowed himself a brief moment of humor, but then Thakeray returned and nodded to him to confirm his instructions had been carried out. “Carter?” Raz said. “Can you explain in detail the rules surrounding the presentation of the bonded omega, the consequences of a failed shift, and the rules governing possible wolf trials.” He knew the chamberlain had nearly perfect recall and wouldn’t have to research this.
“Of course, Your Highness,” Carter said and put his tea down. “Traditionally, the presentation of the omega wolf is carried out on the third day after the bonding. However, we used the fire as an excuse for the delay. But any delay cannot go past ten days, or the presentation is automatically forfeited. The presentation doesn’t always have to be performed at the palace, though, Your Highness. For example, in times of war, providing there are sufficient approved witnesses, it can be done anywhere.”
“What sort of witnesses?” Attiker asked.
“Ranking military and members of the royal household not directly in the line of succession.”
“Well, that’s simple,” Raz said.
“Yes, Your Highness.” Carter fell silent, and Raz sighed.
“You have my permission to speak freely.” He’d already had this conversation with Carter two days after his mother and father’s bodies were found.