Page 81 of The Omega Thief
Raz’s heart broke. He almost felt it rip in two, but then he felt Attiker move and looked down.
To see a white wolf lying in his arms.
It took Raz a full second to comprehend what he was looking at, and at the same time, he realized, in his mind, Raz’s wolf greeted his mate. They curled around each other just before the image vanished.
The white wolf opened his eyes and stared at Raz. Then as the dragon stepped back, he changed back to Attiker, complete with bloody rags, and shivered.
“Let me through.”
Raz heard the order and somehow wanted to laugh and cry at the same time as Grandmother bent and tucked one of her shawls around them both and beamed.
Raz knew she always pretended she’d labored over them, but she secretly employed a team of silk and wool workers separate from her dressmakers. Not that it mattered. Her secrets were safe with him.
Attiker smiled up at him, and Raz ignored the gasps, the shouts, and the fierce wing beats as a dragon took to the skies and bent to kiss his mate.
It was a little embarrassing a few moments later when Raz realized he didn’t have the strength to even stand, never mind stand with his mate, but luckily Ash and then a weakened but cheerful Benta and Thakeray all surrounded them and well, as Grandmother said many hands did make light work.
“Thakeray,” he gasped. “I need…”
“I know, sire. You need explanations, but briefly, the Abergenny forces are in retreat. You are our king. Now get some food and let us prepare reports. Once you start work, it won’t stop.”
Magically, the world let them have a whole bell to themselves to eat and bathe.
“I think you’ve been keeping secrets,” Raz said and used the sponge to wipe Attiker’s chest. Attiker was clean, but Raz couldn’t seem to stop touching him. They were in the bath, and Raz held Attiker against his chest in their favorite position. They’d already changed the water once after they got the blood and goo off themselves, eaten, and now they were hand-feeding each other.
He knew he had so many things to do and so many people were waiting to see him, but for a single bell, they just needed to be with each other.
Attiker chuckled and told him the story of the fire lizard. Attiker looked up at him. “Are you angry? I wanted to say, but I had this overwhelming feeling it was important. I didn’t even tell Ash.”
Raz kissed him. “No, you have good instincts, but once you wear that crown, you have to promise to tell me everything.”
“Likewise,” Attiker drawled, then paused. “Crown? What crown?”
“The eleven-hundred-year-old Queen Consort one,” Raz said, not knowing how he was keeping a straight face.
“Queen—” Attiker got out before Raz’s lips silenced him. He happened to know the royal jewelers had started altering the piece the day after Raz met his thief.
Chapter thirty-four
Attikersnuggledintoavery warm, very large body and sighed in utter contentment. They were safe.Home. Even though his eyes were closed, he was embarrassed they smarted a little.No crying.He should be happy. He didn’t even know how to make sense of everything that had happened, and he knew that the day was going to be a very long one.
He felt a large arm curl around him and tug him closer, although he didn’t think there was even air between them. Raz had spent the rest of yesterday rounding up prisoners and securing them. Johannas seemed to be under the impression he had some sort of diplomatic immunity, which Raz had thought so hysterically funny he’d laughed every second it had taken Sergeant Marraner to lock him in Attiker’s old cell.
The invasion army from Abergenny had surrendered immediately. There wasn’t a man or woman that had a shred of loyalty to Johannas or his heir, but it would be a huge task to either send them on or rehome them here. Attiker knew Raz needed good soldiers to secure their borders, but as he said, a surrendered force was often a resentful one.
Attiker wasn’t sure he agreed, though. He’d seen the army fall upon the food they’d been provided yesterday like starving animals, and he’d noticed the surprise, then the shock, as they’d been treated fairly. Attiker had a feeling that winning over hearts and sword arms wasn’t going to be hard for his mate.
“You’re awake,” Raz grumbled. “I can hear you thinking. You do know if Pinkerton hears you thinking he’ll be arriving with documents for me to sign before I’ve even had my morning kiss.”
Attiker chuckled and proceeded to demonstrate the ability of selective hearing for a few minutes, but then they both heard the knock at the door, and Raz groaned entirely too theatrically.
Attiker wasn’t expecting the small body that seemed to launch itself from nowhere and onto their bed. “Highnesses, my apologies,” the flustered guard said. “They were demanding to see you, and Sergeant Benta said it would be acceptable.”
Attiker chuckled as the said small body proceeded to wriggle in between Raz and Attiker, earning Attiker another groan from his mate. He cracked an eye open and looked over at Fetch, who stood uncertainly in the doorway with none of his sister’s innocent enthusiasm. Pinkerton breezed in a second later, followed by two maids carrying coffee, juice, and pastries.
“Your Highnesses,” Pinkerton started, but Raz held a hand out for his robe as they were both naked under the sheets.
“Pinkerton, let me have at least one cup of coffee before you start telling me everything I have to do today.”