Page 17 of The Omega Slave
“Your poor head,” Kamir murmured to Tsaria. “Try to rest until I can get a healer to see you.”
“You can lay him on the cushions, brother,” Veda offered quietly.
Kamir smiled and bent and brushed a kiss on Tsaria’s forehead as his eyes closed. “No,” he said simply. He had no intention of letting him go. Not now. Not ever.
Chapter eight
Kamir was still struggling to let go of Tsaria, even when he was shown to the Cadmeeran palace’s medical area run by a very competent master healer called Laronne. Jael was being checked over in the next room with Tam keeping him company.
“Your Highness,” Laronne bowed. “I cannot examine your bond mate without—”
But Kamir’s gasp silenced him and his arms trembled, not with the weight of Tsaria, but the weight of his words.Bond mate.
“Highness, are you hurt?” Laronne rushed out.
“Brother?” Veda said, gently. Soothingly, as she would to a child. “He is safe here.”
“And the pallet is big enough for two. I should know,” came a voice from the doorway. Two guards flanked the speaker, His Royal Highness King Raz’mar Kinsharae, ruler of Cadmeera.
His mate Attiker was tucked carefully into his side, almost as if there was a real danger that Raz—as he was known to his friends—was somehow going to misplace him on the short walk fromthe royal apartments to the healing area. Feeling foolish, Kamir bent and very gently laid Tsaria on the bed. He had slept fitfully the whole journey and had said nothing.
“That wasn’t a joke,” Attiker said, freeing himself from Raz. “Scoot up on the bed. He will feel better if he wakes up by your side, especially as you are bond mates.”
Kamir sighed, even relieved as he was to see his friends, and much as he ached to do just that, he knew he couldn’t. “I doubt it. He thinks I am a monster.”
Raz frowned. “Because of your animal?”
“I wish it were that simple,” Kamir whispered, carefully tucking a stray strand of hair behind Tsaria’s still-bruised face. “His introduction to me was after he endured torture in the palace dungeons when originally brought to the coronation as a pleasure slave.”How he must hate me.
“And he’ll get over it,” Attiker pronounced confidently. “Raz had me arrested, after all.”
Raz sent his mate a loving smile. “It didn’t seem to stop you doing anything, though. I’ve been tempted to lock you up many times since.”
Attiker scoffed. “Try to and I’ll set Grandmother on you.” Kamir watched in fascination as the ruler of at least five hundred thousand people, and the commander of all Cadmeera’s army, paled at that threat. Veda chuckled and kissed Attiker’s cheek, then sketched a cheeky bow to Raz.
“I need a bath, brother, and food,” she said, turning back to glance at Kamir. “You are both in good hands.”
“And I believe you may find a surprise in your regular bedchamber, princess,” Attiker murmured. His sister shot out of there so fast even Kamir wanted to laugh, knowing what, or in factwho, would be waiting for her. He didn’t, though. Not until Tsaria opened his eyes and didn’t look at him with hate or fear, or the other hundreds of things he was imagining.
“Your Highness,” Laronne murmured, and Kamir obeyed the hand wave and scooted up on the pallet, close enough to be touching Tsaria, but giving the healer room to work. Raz and the guards took themselves away to give them a little privacy. Attiker offered to remove himself as well, but truthfully Kamir needed his friend there. Laronne’s examination was careful and efficient. “He’s underweight, as I’m sure you are aware, and has signs of recent forced captivity and subsequent injury.” Laronne carefully examined the abrasions on his wrists and ankle and Kamir wanted to weep. That he was subjected to torture while Kamir slept safely in his own bed was enough to make him want to vomit. “The head wound isn’t serious, and I believe it’s simply shock that’s keeping him asleep.” Laronne looked up. “Rest and good food will be all that is required.”
Attiker beamed. “I will have food brought in, assuming you want to stay in here tonight,Highness?”
Kamir sighed and sent Attiker a level look and Attiker smirked. “You might have changed your mind about how you wish to be addressed.”
“Attiker,” Kamir said with more patience than he thought he had. “You saved my life. Eldara saved it a second time. I thought we were past all the titles.”
He shrugged. “She enjoyed herself. I think she wished she had gotten more of a fight. Her mate is keeping her a little too close for her liking at the moment. Then, how about you stay here tonight so Laronne is close, then we can move you to a suite tomorrow? I can have servants sent to assist you to bathe—”
A commotion at the door had Attiker moving quickly and producing a knife that Kamir had no idea where from, and then an older soldier stepped into the room. “Sire, his highness’s manservant—”
“Mansala?” Kamir blurted out. “Please, let him in.” Somehow, they had gotten separated.
Mansala appeared, looking like he was ready to fight everyone for access, and crossed, bowing to Kamir, who was still sitting up.
“I am safe.” Kamir assured him. He watched as Mansala glanced at Tsaria.
“There is an anteroom which can easily hold another pallet,” Attiker said. “I will have food brought, as I said, but there is a large bathing chamber through there and if you will give me a few moments, I will arrange clean clothes for you all.” Attiker turned and patted the older soldier on the arm. “Come on Ash, let’s leave them be.” He turned back. “We would love to see you two tomorrow. I can’t wait to introduce you to Grandmother’s elderberry scones, assuming Candy and Flynn don’t eat them all.”