Page 34 of The Omega Slave
Everything in Kamir coiled tight.
Tsaria pushed him flat with a gentle hand and he lay back willingly. He wanted—goddess he wanted everything.
“Kamir,” Tsaria choked out and reached down and pulled Kamir’s pants away, hooking his fingers into the thin liner of his salvar and removing that as well. Kamir gasped as Tsaria’sfingers brushed the delicate skin of his cock and it jerked unbidden, sending glorious tremors along his length and up his spine.
Kamir moaned and then Tsaria fastened his lips over the tip and Kamir cried out, startled that something could feel so incredibly good. He was hard, and everything in him seemed to pulse at once. Tsaria sucked and laved his length until Kamir was mindless, all his focus on the incoming storm his body shook with. Tsaria lifted a little and cupped Kamir’s sac, rolling it in fingers that were so damn talented, yet gentle. His tongue circled Kamir’s cock, tracing the vein, then moving higher and spearing the tip.
Kamir broke out in sweat, yet delicious shivers wracked his body until he wanted to beg for mercy, needing more. “Tsaria, beloved, oh…”
Tsaria sucked harder and cupped and tugged on Kamir’s sac, until everything in him grew so tight he wanted nothing more than to chase the impending crash. Then Tsaria scraped his teeth up his length and that final bite of pain pushed him over the edge.
And Tsaria never let him go. Not with his mouth until his cock had finished pulsing, and not with his arms as he held him tight afterwards. “You are amazing,” Kamir whispered after a long few moments. “Perhaps—"
“Highness,” the apologetic tone filtered into his mind like an irritating fly he wanted to swat away.
Tsaria drew back and the spell was broken. Kamir wanted to swear at the interruption. He had every intention of taking Tsaria to their chamber and spoiling him.
“A thousand apologies for the intrusion,” Mansala said. “But you have a visitor.”
Kamir turned, swallowing his desperation down. “Who?”
“Again, my apologies, Highness, but the visitor is for Tsaria. The man says he is his brother, Alain, and demands admittance.”
Tsaria hissed in a breath, as if in shock. “Alain?”
Kamir glanced at Tsaria and Mansala added, “He says he has traveled far.”
Kamir cupped Tsaria’s cheek. “Talk to me.”
Tsaria visibly gathered his wits. “Alain is closest to me in age, barely forty lunar months older. Tomas is my elder by nearly five summers. Alain—” he paused. “Alain was the most upset when our father sold me to Ishmael. He offered to share his meals with me, but our father said he would need it all to fuel him for the work needed in the fields.”
“He has travelled a long way,” Kamir said, not altogether happy with that thought for some ridiculous reason. His heart seemed to drop to his boots. Was it jealousy? Shame coursed through him. This was the only family member that seemed to give a damn about Tsaria, and he wanted it to be all about him.All him.To have Tsaria’s full attention. He was despicable.
“When father sold me, he was the only one that objected,” Tsaria said, and Kamir’s heart hurt for his man.
“Then let us welcome him.”
Tsaria clutched his hand, “You’ll be with me?”
“Of course,” Kamir soothed, but he was delighted with the idea. “I will never leave your side as long as you need me there.” So that promise might have been a little over the top, but Kamir meant every word.
He gave Tsaria a couple of minutes to get himself together, then sent for refreshments. Finally, he indicated to Mansala that they were ready.
Tsaria wasn’t sure if he would ever be ready for this. He hadn’t seen Alain since the day he’d been left with Ishmael. He’d been so frightened,betrayed. He was small but he had worked just as hard in the fields, even though nothing he did was ever good enough for his father. He’d labored so hard, Tomas sometimes had to carry him home because he’d keeled over asleep. He’d never been fed as much as the other two, and understood he would receive more if he worked extra hard, which he never seemed to manage to his father’s satisfaction.
Tsaria stayed sitting as Mansala let Alain in and for a very long moment they just stared at each other. Alain was the same. The brown mop of hair, so different from his and Tomas’s, the scar at the side of his mouth where a whip had caught him when Tomas had been practicing, and the freckles that were supposed to come from his father’s side of the family.
Alain stood still, barely breathing, until he choked out the wordneera, which meant tiny fish, and was what Alain had called him just about every day of their lives. Tsaria was on his feet before he knew it and a heartbeat later wrapped in his brother’s arms, tears rolling down both their faces.
When Tsaria’s tears dried, he realized that apart from Kamir, who was giving them some space, they were alone, and that nearly set him weeping again because Kamir had made sure they had privacy.
“I will be close if you need me,” Kamir promised and left. Tsaria dragged Alain over to a daybed and they sat down. He busied himself preparing tea just to give himself time to recover. “How did you know I was here?” Because Tsaria had no ideawhat Alain was doing here. He’d spent ten summers barely eleven miles from their land and he’d never seen any of them.
“We got a visit from the prefect.”
Tsaria gasped and nearly dropped the teapot. The prefect was the emir’s hand of justice for the village.
“He wanted us to persuade you to return to the palace, but…palace, neera? What on earth were you doing there? He wouldn’t explain. He just said that bad things would happen if you didn’t.”