Page 18 of Something Blue
“Neve’s fiancé. Damion.” She says more boldly, walking towards me, fierce confrontation on her eyes. She stands in front of the sofa and glares at me.
“Leave your brother alone. All of you.” My father says. He waves his hand in the air to dismiss the tense atmosphere.
The chef comes through to announce that dinner is ready.
“Oh great. I’m starving.” I smile, standing up.
Mas and Dalila stare at each other in disbelief - but they know better than to push their luck once my father has spoken.
Dinner might’ve been awkward if I’d paid any attention to their constant glares. Their eyes bearing into me like accusations. But I didn’t.
My father always has my back, even when he’s angry with me I never feel it, I just sense mild disappointment and we move on.
We sit eating quietly, the sound of forks and knives tinkering against plates is the only thing I hear. Red is playing on his phone which is usually frowned at during dinner, but I think my father has given up dealing with everyone today.
Mas, Dalila and I are locking in this weird silent thing.
Tuomo is ignoring the entire shit show.
I stab my fork into a piece of pink steak and shove it into my mouth.
Masaccio being angry at me is unjustified. He doesn’t know the whole story. Neve should never have gotten engaged to that guy in the first place. She ismine. She has belonged to me for a while now and I made that very clear to her.
Her father wouldn’t even be where he is today if it wasn’t for my family.
Dinner drags on in boring silence until the housekeeper clears dishes and I stand up, ready to leave.
“Thanks for dinner, dad. I’m going to head out now.”
“Alright Kiddo. I’ll walk you out.” He says, standing up and following me out of the dining room. He slips his arm around my shoulders and whispers to me, leaning close. “Keep your head down, kiddo.”
“I will, dad, don’t worry.” I smile and give him a one-armed hug. “I’ll see you soon.”
He waits on the top step until I reach my car. Mas and Dalila are busy saying goodbye to him while I’m tossing my jacket onto the back seat before I climb in.
“Celso.” Mas calls my name as I’m about to duck into the car.
“What?” I snap. I’m over his pestering.
“Hold up a second.” He says, Dalila following him as my father waves one last time, steps back into the house and closes the front door on us.
Mas walks straight towards me, grabs the front of my shirt and slams my back against the car.
“Where the fuck is he?” he snarls into my face.
I glance towards the front door.
“Don’t look for daddy - fight your own fucking battles.” Mas growls at me.
Anger shoots through me like an arrow. My heart beating loud in my ears, blood pumping through my head and making the veins on my temple throb.
“Get the fuck off me.” I shove him backwards, and when he comes running back towards me I swing, and my fist connects with his jaw.
“You want to fight me?” He shouts, wrapping his hand around my throat and slamming his fist into my left cheek.
I kick him hard and he loses his footing and falls onto his knees. Throwing myself at him we both end up tumbling onto the ground with dirt kicking up around us as we roll and fight.
“Stop.” Dalila shouts in a panic.