Page 74 of Something Blue
I don’t even know what I’m doing.
I’m rabid. Psychotic. Screaming and hitting at nothing and everything.
It takes three of them to toss me out into the curbside. I roll onto my side, breathing heavily.
I can smell the alcohol on my breath.
Pushing myself to my feet I laugh with manic anger. The bottle store across from the club is still open so I stagger inside and buy a bottle of vodka. I will numb this pain. I don’t care how much I have to drink to make that happen. I can’t feel like this. I can’t bear it. I have to stop this ache in my chest, in my stomach, in my arms and legs.
I tear the bottle top off as soon as I step back out onto the streets.
Downing half the bottle in one breath.
Someone walks past and asks me if I’m trying to kill myself.
“Yes.” I hiss. “Yes, I deserve to die. And without her there is no reason to live, anyway.” I snarl at him and he steps away from me with his hands in the air. “Fuck sakes buddy. Fine.” He hurries away and I stagger towards my car with the open bottle in my hand.
Yanking the door open I catch a whiff of her.
Her scent trapped inside my car. I fall to my knees on the pavement, clutching at my chest.
The pain is too much.
I can’t get into the car.
I can’t be anywhere she has been.
How can I lie in our bed tonight when I will be able to smell her on the pillows?
I stand up and sway as I stare into the car.
Fuck this.
Fuck the universe and fuck the indescribable pain I feel in my body.
I throw the bottle of vodka into the car and it smashes abasing the inside of the passenger door. I dig around in my pocket, looking for my zippo.
One strike. A flame dances in my hand.
Perhaps I understand why Rufino did what he did.
I toss the lighter into the car and a heat wave explosion throws me off my feet.
Sitting on the sidewalk I watch the flames consume the inside of my car.
Thick smoke starts to pour out of the open driver’s door.
I can’t stop laughing.
It’s so beautiful.
It’s so destructive.
I want to throw myself into those flames so that they can consume my pain, but I can’t move.
Hands grab at me, dragging me away from the wall of heat pouring from the car.
“What the fuck, are you ok? What happened?”