Page 76 of Something Blue
“She left.” I chuckle.
“Fuck.” Rufino says, looking at Mas with deep lines on concern etched into his forehead.
“What happened? We can try to help you solve it. Things are going to be ok, Celso.” Rufino says, stepping towards me with his hand out.
“She’s gone, Rufino. She found out who I really am, and she ran away as fast as she could. She doesn’t want me. It’s over.” I laugh and I can hear how crazy I sound, but I have no control over it. The laughter begins to consume me until I collapse onto the sofa, clutching my stomach.
“Call the doctor.” Masaccio says, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Celso, breathe man.”
But all I can do is laugh. Tears streaming down my face. I’m laughing so much it hurts, but I can’t stop.
“We need to have him sedated before he does something stupid.” Masaccio says.
“You mean like drinking a whole bottle store or blowing up his own car?” Rufino says gruffly, his phone pressed against his ear.
“Hey doc, we need you at Celso’s place.” I listen as he paces up and down and tells the doctor about how I am having a psychotic break down.
He’s not wrong.
Laughter continues to shake through me.
“You need to go back.” My brother snaps, throwing his hands in the air.
“Go back and tell him you forgive him, Neve. You can’t do this to us.”
He is marching up and down the living room at my father’s house.
“How can you say that?” I say angry and heated. “I told you he messed with my college applications - and he paid my boyfriends to leave—” I stammer in disbelief. Luke doesn’t seem to be in the least bit bothered about what I’m explaining to him.
I haven’t told Luke about what happened with Damion - or my father.
He doesn’t need to know everything.
But I told him enough to make any normal person cringe and tell me to stay far, far away from Celso.
“It doesn’t matter, Neve, you have to go back. He’ll pull the funding. He will stop helping the campaign. Our family will lose everything. All the work and time I’ve put in it will be for nothing.”
“Luke, you want me to go back there even though he has broken my trust in the most terrifying way possible?” Tears sting my eyes and drift down my cheeks. “I’m telling you that myhusband,the man I fell in love with, betrayed me and broke my heart - and all you can think about is your campaign?” I whisper, pained that my brother hasn’t once asked me if I’m ok.
He hasn’t put his arm around me to hug me or comfort me.
In fact the moment I arrived at his door with my suitcase he started trying to convince me to go back.
Luke runs his hand through his hair and sighs, agitated. Annoyed by my pain.
“Can’t you stay with him until the campaign is going stronger and I can find another person to fund it?” he asks, raising his brows in a hopeful glance.
I shake my head. I can’t believe he is doing this to me. I don’t know why I thought he would understand and want to be there for me.
“Fuck you, Luke.” I snap, standing up and walking away from him. “Fuck you for being like dad. You don’t care about anyone or anything except for your stupid fucking campaign.”
“Neve, we have to think about the family—” he shouts after me, but I’m done listening.
I storm all the way up the stairs to my bedroom and slam the door behind myself.