Page 82 of Something Blue
“You say you will never hurt me, but you went through so much to get me - and we got married - and what if all of that crazy passion burns out - you are capable of some stuff I don’t understand - and there is no saying what you might do to me when you get bored with me.” She finally lets me know what she is terrified of.
I close the space between us, leaning against her and pressing her into the kitchen counter. I grab her jaw in my hand and lift her head towards me.
“You are my everything. For eternity. I want you forever and no one - ever - will replace you or steal my attention. I might be a little crazy. But that I know for sure.”
Her breathing has become heavier, faster. Her pupils are dilated.
I can sense it. The desire. The heat building between us.
Leaning down I press my lips over her mouth and kiss her.
She doesn’t resist. My body sparks to life. Life I have not felt since the day she left me.
Neve lets out a quiet whimper and pushes her hand against my chest. Gentle, almost reluctant.
I release her and step away, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach.
“I should go.” She whispers, brushing her fingers across her lips as though she wants to hold on to our kiss.
“Will you reply to my messages when I message you? I can’t handle the silence anymore.” I ask.
She nods. “Sure. If I’m near my phone, we can chat. Sometimes.”
The knot in my stomach tightens.
“Neve please give me a chance. One more chance.”
“I’ll see you soon, maybe.” She says politely, turning to leave.
“Oh, here.” She says, holding out her hand to give the house keys back to me.
“Keep them. Just in case.”
She bites her lip and nods, and drops the keys into her purse.
“Bye Celso.”
“Good bye, my angel.”
This time I watch her walking away, and it shatters me, but it also makes me more determined. My mind is made up. I will have her.
I’ll give her some time, but if she doesn’t choose me on her own, I will kidnap her. She needs sometime with me to remind her of how good we are together.
We are perfect for each other.
When Neve is gone, I sit on the sofa again, staring, thinking, trying to understand.
Perhaps I am playing this the wrong way.
Perhaps what she needs is space from me. No messages, no gifts, no reminders of who I am to her - and what she is to me.
Just silence.
I can watch her from a distance.
What I saw tonight, and even her coming here - it tells me she still wants this. She could have dropped the keys on the kitchen counter - but she kept them. She could have messaged me to leave her alone - but she hasn’t.
Neve is still in love with me she is struggling with the moral dilemma of what I did to win that love from her.