Page 91 of Something Blue
“You’re glowing, Neve. It’s so nice to see you smiling like this.”
“I’m so happy, Dalila. I can’t describe it.”
“You don’t need to. It’s written all over your face. My brother too - he’s like a neon glow stick he’s glowing so much.” She laughs. “You guys were made for each other, huh?” She shrugs.
“I’m going to be sending you photos the entire trip.” I tell her, sipping my drink.
“By the looks of things you guys will not have signal in most of the places you’re going. Just makes sure you don’t get bitten by some weird spider and come back with super powers. I justwant my friend back - in one piece.” She smirks. “But here is to an amazing honey moon, doing what your heart desires.” She lifts her glass to me.
Celso over hears the last part of our conversation.
“To our adventure, my love.” He smiles, lifting his glass too.
Nevio chuckles. “To finding the perfect person who makes you smile every day.” He says his eyes on Dalila. Dalila grins and scrunches her nose.
I’m so happy that she has accepted our relationship - and that we can still be best friends. It would have broken my heart to lose her, but I see now that the people who are meant to be in our lives find a way of staying, even when things get complicated or difficult. Dalila is meant to be my friend.
Celso is my forever person.
We always land up where we are meant to be in the world. And I am meant to be right here. With him.
I stare across the table at Celso and my heart warms. He smiles, the most gorgeous smile thatshows off his dimples. His perfect jaw and those bright blue eyes.
He is mine and I am his and that is how it’s meant to me.
In the morning I wake up before the sun rises.
I’m alert, far too excited to do anything but leap out of bed.
Celso grabs my arm and pull me back towards him before I do so.
“Wait, you aren’t getting away yet.” He laughs, holding me against him.
“I have so much to do.” I giggle, wiggling in his grip.
“No, you don’t. I’ve done it all for you. Everything is arranged. I helped you pack already. You literally only have to get dressed and climb into the plane.”
I grin. “Alright, well, I’m too excited not to do anything, so what do you suggest I do to distract myself.” I huff.
“I have something specific in mind.” He chuckles, his hand running down my back.
Neve is giggling with excitement as we board my private jet. The air hostess leads us to our seats and brings us two glasses of champagne. “Happy honey moon.” She smiles, leaving us to enjoy the golden liquid while we wait for take-off.
Neve can’t sit still. She’s wiggling in her seat, up and down, looking out the window, leaning against me, talking none stop.
I love seeing her like this. She’s so happy.
It’s a long flight to Sihanoukville airport in Cambodia. Eventually I get her to settle down and sleep a little because I want her to arrive fresh and not jet lagged.
We land in the quiet, rural town of Sihanoukville in the early hours of the morning.
The people are friendly and down to earth. We catch a tuktuk, our backpacks on our backs, to the beach villa we are staying in for the first two nights while we establish ourselves and enjoy a day or two of relaxation.
We are staying right on the beach, our back door leads directly onto the white sandy beaches and in the late afternoon locals come past with trays of fresh seafood which we can buy and cook fresh for ourselves.