Page 10 of Gin & Sin
Kit grins. “Me too. Was that a satisfying first time?”
He raises an eyebrow. “You don’t sound completely sure of that.”
“No, I am. It was incredible, but there’s so much more I want to do.”
“You know.”
“I do know, but I want to hear it.”
“I want to be fucked. I want to suck more dick. I want to suck your nipples.”
His face softens. “Yeah? You want to be fucked by me?”
I nod eagerly. “Yes.” I drag my hands down his chest. “Will you help me, Kit?”
“Help you what?”
Swallowing hard, I summon the courage to do the thing I’ve thought about for over a week but never expected to get the opportunity for.
“I know this is meant to be a hookup, and I’m good with that. Really. I’m not looking for anything serious after being with one person for so long.”
Kit nods, but he looks concerned. “Okay.”
“So I was thinking earlier, before we met, or well, ever since I realized that my marriage was ending. Actually, probably longer than that but?—”
Kit brushes his fingers over my cheek. “Slow down so I can keep up.”
I blow out a breath. “Right. You don’t need all my inner monologue.”
“I don’t mind. I just want to make sure I don’t miss anything.”
“I talk too much. Always have. It’s a good trait for a professor but it’s socially annoying.”
“Hey.” He rubs my shoulder. “You don’t talk too much. I can just tell you’ve got a lot going on in your head. It’s an overwhelming night for you.”
I nod, instantly relaxing. He’s definitely the right guy to ask.
“I had this idea that it would be really nice if I could explore my sexuality with someone I’m comfortable with instead of just random guys I manage to pick up. I’ve read some horror stories in forums.”
Kit nods but doesn’t say anything.
“Like tonight. You could’ve fucked me, but you knew that would be a lot for me to handle. You’re patient and obviously gorgeous. I swear I wouldn’t be clingy or expect anything relationship-wise.”
“So you want a hookup arrangement?” he asks. “Kind of friends with benefits, even though we don’t really know each other?”
I nod. “Something like that. Maybe I’ll want to settle down again someday, but right now I feel like a teenager all over again. I want to explore, but I’m not really a bar or an app kind of guy. It took a lot for me to walk into Moby’s tonight.”
He just looks at me without speaking, and I want to crawl into a corner. Why would a guy like Kit want to hitch himself to an inexperienced man like me? What was I even thinking? I’m so stupid. I should back out and tell him?—
“I’d like that,” Kit says, surprising me. “I think it’s exactly what I need right now too.”
“Yeah, I’m a little burned out on the scene myself. Before you walked in, I was thinking about that.” He caresses my chin. “I think we could get up to some fun times.”