Page 22 of Gin & Sin
“Promise. Did you think about me today, Professor? Did you think about my kiss?”
“All day. I could barely focus on my work.”
“You’re due for a reward then. I’m gonna make you come so hard and enjoy every second of it.”
“I want that so bad.”
I step back so I don’t end up fucking the man on this stool in front of everyone. “Have a drink. Things should slow down soon since the kitchen is closing. Then I’m all yours.”
Stewart nods, releasing my shirt and smoothing down the area he wrinkled up. “I’ll be right here.”
“What are you drinking?”
“I don’t know.”
“How about my signature cocktail? It’s called a Gin and Sin.”
A sweet smile tugs at his lips. “Sin, huh?”
“Yep. It’s sweet and a little sour and goes down smooth.”
“Sounds just like you, except the sour part.”
“You haven’t tasted all of me yet.”
Stewart moans softly. “You’re definitely living up to the sin part.”
“Not a bad thing, is it?”
“Not at all. I’m ready for that.”
I motion for Florian who hurries over. “What’s up, Kit?”
“A Gin and Sin for the gentleman. On my tab.”
“Coming right up.”
As Florian prepares Stewart’s drink, I force myself back another step before I attack his mouth.
“Oh, the things I’m gonna do to you later. I hope you’re ready for me.”
He nods, straightening his shoulders. “I hope you’re ready for me. I’ve been holding this in for a long time.”
“Bring it on, Professor.”
IgnoringKit while he works is easier said than done. I try to keep my attention on my drink and the plate of french fries I ordered just for something to do and to soak up the alcohol, but every time he passes or I hear his voice over the crowd, my stomach does a flip. I can’t believe I get to have sex with a man like that.
“Professor Hanley?”
I stiffen, closing my eyes for a second before forcing a smile to my face and twisting in my seat. It’s Thaddeus from my Social Inequality course.
“Hello, Thaddeus.”
“Thad. What are you doing here?”