Page 33 of Gin & Sin
“You’re carrying yourself differently. Your hair’s styled too. It’s a noticeable glow up.”
“Glow up?”
He waves his hand in the air. “Like a makeover. What’s going on? Is this about the guy?”
Is it? “No. I just felt like brushing my hair.”
“That’s not all that’s going on though. There’s a pep to your step.” He cackles. “It’s cute.”
Hmm. Maybe I am feeling more confident. “Silly. I’m just me.”
“Okay, but you’re being noticed.”
I shrug, ready to deflect the compliment, but my phone buzzes. Before I’ve even looked at it, my stomach flips.
“Answer it,” Theo says in a teasing voice.
I pull my phone out of the desk drawer where I keep it during class time. Sure enough, it’s a text from Kit. I swipe the lock screen to read it.
Kit: Hey, gorgeous. Hope you’re having a good day.
It’s simple and innocent but it still makes me tingle inside. All I have to do is think his name and memories of how he expertly unravels me rush back. It’s pretty inconvenient in themiddle of a lecture when I have to duck behind the lectern to avoid showing off a semi.
Me: Hi! It’s an ordinary day. How are you?
Kit: Pounding coffee. Just woke up. The late nights are hard on a guy.
Me: I slept like the dead after you left.
Kit: Did I wear you out, beautiful?
A smile tugs at my lips as I type out a response.
Me: Yes. Care to do it again?
Kit: What time is your workday done?
Me: Four. No office hours today.
Kit: Perfect. I don’t have to go in until six. Can I pick you up? I’d love to visit my alma mater.
The idea of Kit visiting me here and people seeing a man like him with me is… thrilling.
Me: Sure. I’m in the Psych building on the third floor, room 310.
Kit: See you at four, Prof.
Me: See you then.
I put my phone down, then startle as I realize Theo is still here, watching the entire interaction.
He kicks his legs as he throws his head back and barks out a laugh. “Oh god, you are so done for. If you could’ve seen your face. You are smitten.”
“It’s not that deep, Theo. I like him, but it’s casual.”
“Uh-huh. Okay.”
“It’s just different,” I admit. “I’ve never gotten ‘good morning,’ or ‘have a good day’ texts before.”