Page 41 of Gin & Sin
“I’ve needed someone like you for a long time.” He kisses my shoulder. “I was bored, but not anymore.”
“Me too. I needed you too.”
He slides his hand up my body to my chest, squeezing and tweaking my nipples. Why does that feel so good?
“I think I could spend hours just touching your skin and inhaling your scent,” Kit whispers, nuzzling his nose into myhair. “But you’ve been patient and so good. I won’t make you wait anymore.”
Before I can reply, he flips me onto my back and slides down my body, immediately sucking my cock into his mouth. A garbled sound rumbles out of me, and all I can do is sink my fingers into his hair and buck my hips to keep from crying out with relief.
Kit makes obscene noises, like he’s indulging in his favorite meal or a decadent dessert as he slurps on my cock. He pushes my legs back, and I help by spreading them apart, completely abandoning any embarrassment I might ordinarily feel. I want whatever he wants to give me.
He drags his tongue from my crease to my balls and back to my cock. The sensation is so amazing, I lose myself in it, chanting his name like an ancient spell. Fuck. There can’t be a person in existence who can deliver a better blow job than Kit.
He bites my ass cheek more than once, then licks into my hole, before sucking my cockhead hard enough that I cry out. My balls tighten and the pit of my core twists with my impending orgasm.
“Oh god, Kit. Kit. Fuck.”
“Yes, baby,” he whispers, his words vibrating through my shaft. “I want to drink you down.”
His sexy words are the final push I needed, and when it hits, I cry out his name. With my head thrown back, I ride this wave, aware of every pulse and rope of sticky cum leaving my body, welcomed by Kit’s warm, eager mouth.
He sucks me until I squirm with sensitivity, then before I can catch my breath, he straddles my chest, fisting his cock furiously. I lift my head as best as I can after losing the pillow and lick my lips, desperate for my true reward.
Kit hovers above me, gazing down with heavy eyes and damp lips. He honestly looks like a god of some kind. His lips part andhe moans my name as the first rope of cum shoots from his cock and lands on my chin.
I lift up more and stick my tongue out to catch as much as I can, before I manage to roll us over and climb between his legs to suck him through the rest of it. His cum is warm and kind of neutral tasting, but it’s the act of it all, the feral desire between two men, that really gets me.
He gently pushes on my forehead, smiling even as he grunts and shudders. “Come here,” he pants, opening his arms.
I crawl into his embrace, resting my head on his shoulder, and as he wraps his arms around me, there’s a burgeoning dam of emotion threatening to burst. Will I get over the amazement of discovering how good sex can really be since I accepted myself completely?
The two of us pant until our breathing slows and normalizes. I’m hot, a little sticky, and the room smells like sex, bringing a smile to my face.
I’m tempted to ask Kit to stay, even if I am nervous that that’s not something you do when it’s casual, but before I can, his measured breaths signal to me that he’s already asleep. Snuggling into him, inhaling the scent of his deodorant and body wash and just a hint of sweat, I smile, happy to keep him here just a little longer.
Damn,it’s hot.
I stir, attempting to kick off the blankets, but it doesn’t take me long to realize the source of the furnace. Stewart, in all his morning glory with a tangled mess of hair and a slack jaw, clings to me like plastic wrap.
The sight of him, comfortable and peaceful, stirs an emotion in me that I can’t quite name. It’s not unpleasant though. Just the opposite, in fact.
It’s been a long-ass time since I woke up in someone else’s bed, and I don’t hate it. But I am hot and my bladder is nagging me for some relief. As carefully as possible, I peel Stewart’s body off mine and creep into the bathroom. Ahhh. There’s nothing like a morning piss.
After taking care of that, I wash my hands and splash water on my face before rinsing my mouth. I need coffee, but I wouldn’t mind slipping back into bed with Stewart. When I exit the bathroom, he’s not there anymore.
I grab my briefs and shimmy them on before walking out to find him. He’s in the kitchen, leaning on the counter while a pot of coffee brews. He looks a little dazed or spaced out.
“You okay?”
He startles, turning to face me with a small gasp that quickly fades into a soft smile. “Morning.”
“Hey. All good?”
He nods as his cheeks flush pink. He looks different in the morning, with a thick scruff on his face and glasses perched on his nose.