Page 48 of Gin & Sin
Indy wraps his arm around Lowen from the side, pulling him close to kiss the side of his head. “As long as it’s in English this time. I can’t follow it and read the subtitles at the same time.”
“Maybe we should let our guest of honor choose the movie tonight,” Jerryn suggests.
“Oh no. I don’t want to interrupt your tradition.”
“Please?” Kit says. “We’ll give you anything you want.”
“Rude,” Ridley says, but his tone is amused. “Fine. I can bump my choice to next week. What does the good professor want to watch?”
“This is a lot of pressure.”
Kit kisses my cheek. “We’re an easier crowd than it seems.”
“Um, so I’m a late-in-life queer person. I’ve been slowly catching up on LGBTQ+ culture. Next on my movie list is the classic filmMaurice.”
Lowen gasps softly as a warm smile spreads across his face. “I’ve always wanted to watch that.”
“If it’s gay, I’m in,” Ridley says.
“Never heard of it,” Salem says, “but I’m open.”
“Mauriceit is,” Jerryn says. “Kit, you’re on popcorn this time.”
“On it,” he says.
“It’s my turn to do drinks,” Bane says.
“Let’s get changed and meet back here in thirty?” Indy suggests.
“Is thirty minutes enough time, Kit?” Ridley waggles his eyebrows.
Kit rolls his eyes. “Guess we’ll find out.”
As everyone splits off in different directions, Kit turns to face me. “I think we’re gonna have a fun weekend.”
“I think so too.”
I just have to figure out by Monday how to make sure this stays the casual arrangement we agreed on.
Wakingup next to Stewart feels better than it should. I’m not the kind of guy who typically invites people to share my bed, but after falling asleep at his house, I can’t lie and say I don’t really dig this.
He’s sosoftin the morning. His skin, hair, the even breaths with the occasional snuffle as he shifts and burrows deeper into my side. I card my fingers through his hair before kissing the top of his head, squirming as he playfully drags his teeth against my tender side.
“Morning,” he says, his voice still heavy with sleep. “It is morning, right?”
“Think so. Not sure what time it is since it’s still dark outside.”
“I figured you’d sleep in with your schedule.”
I nod, sliding back enough to see his face. His eyes are closed, like he can pretend he’s still asleep.
“Usually need a bladder break, then I sleep for a few more hours. There’s no rush to get up though. We have nowhere to be today.”
“I love winter break.” He peels his eyes open. “Even though I have a stack of papers and exams to grade, it’s nice to have the time to do it.”