Page 80 of Gin & Sin
“Valentine’s Day,” Bane says.
“I mean, gag, but that’s a good one,” Salem says. Indy kisses his cheek.
“Or even better,” Jerryn says, “imagine Stewart on a date with someone else on Valentine’s Day.”
The thought of it immediately makes my blood boil. “No one is good enough for him.”
Lowen raises a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “Only you?”
“I understand him.”
“And isn’t that all any of us want?” Jerryn asks in a dreamy voice. “With friendship and love, we want to be seen. Understood.”
“I hear you guys, I do, but what the fuck do I know about being in a relationship?”
“What the fuck did I know until I met Salem?” Indy says. “There’s no handbook, dude. You just figure it out together.”
“Give him a little credit too,” Ridley says. “Maybe he thinks you’re the one who doesn’t want to be locked down. Talk to him.”
“I don’t want to pressure him. I don’t want him to regret me.”
“He’s not a kid,” Lowen says. “He’s a full-grown man capable of making decisions. He’s a professor, for fuck’s sake.”
“I agree with Low,” Indy says. “And just because you’re the first guy he hooked up with doesn’t mean you’re not the one. Doesn’t he deserve that instead of the endless dating merry-go-round? Not gonna lie, what I have now is way fucking better.”
Salem practically swoons before my eyes. “You just earned yourself an epic blow job, sir.”
“As if he doesn’t get one every day,” Ridley stage whispers.
“As if I don’t know how to kick it up a notch,” Salem adds.
Indy wraps his arms around Salem from behind. “Kit, buddy, don’t overthink it. If it feels good, go for it.”
I nod, glancing around the still-quiet bar. There are two tables with people eating, but otherwise the lunch crowd hasn’t blown in for the day yet.
“Do you guys mind if I run an errand?”
“Not at all,” Lowen says.
With that, I salute them and head to the back to grab my coat, and then I’m out the door and down the sidewalk towards the university. On my way, I swing into the wine shop that just opened a month ago and pick out a box of chocolates, knowing Stewart has a wicked sweet tooth, then I’m off again,determination guiding my steps. I’m not sure what I plan to say when I get there, but I need to see him.
It’s cold as balls and not every sidewalk is cleared yet, making my journey harder than it should be, but I don’t care. The reward is seeing my favorite professor at the end of it.
When I enter his building, I pause to collect myself. It’s eerily quiet since it’s still winter break. I wipe my boots on the runner then head up to his office, but as I approach I hear the softer murmur of two voices, one of them is definitely Stewart’s.
“No, he’s amazing, Theo, and I think that’s the problem.”
I lean with my back against the wall, my heart racing as I realize he’s talking about me.
“How is being amazing a problem?”
“It doesn’t seem real. How did I get the attention of a man like Kit? Makes no sense.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous. What’s not to like about you?”
“It isn’t that.”