Page 83 of Gin & Sin
After forcing myself away, I adjust my bulge, drawing an adorable chuckle from Stewart before I head out, bumping into Theo in the hallway.
“Hey,” he says.
I can tell from his expression that he wants to say something, so I give him the opening.
“He’ll kill me if he finds out I said anything, but I really hope you’re the guy he thinks you are. There are a lot of good actors out there, but I want to believe there’s no way you’re not legit.”
“I’m not acting. I’m…really into him. He’s special.”
Theo’s shoulders relax and he smiles. “He is. I’m glad you see it too.”
Then something dawns on me. “Wait. Do you have feelings for him?”
Theo pulls his head back. “Oh god. Jealousy? Super cute. But absolutely not. He’s a good friend, and he’s one of the first peers who took me seriously. I care about him and want the best for him. If that’s you, then hurray.”
I nod, smiling even though embarrassment quickly replaces the pang of jealousy I was feeling. “Sorry. I’ve never been like this over someone before.”
Theo smiles. “You’re forgiven. It’s adorable. I doubt Stewart has ever had someone fight for him or even be jealous over him, which is a shame, isn’t it?”
“So don’t fuck it up, huh?”
“I won’t. I…” Pausing, I shake my head. I’m not telling Theo things I haven’t told Stewart yet. “I care too.”
“Hey, if you’re ever in Moby’s, I’d like to buy you a drink. Anyone who cares about Stewart is good in my book.”
“You’re on.”
I walk back to the bar, filled with thoughts of commitment and the future, and for the first time in my life, what it feelslike to have feelings for someone. It’s scary, no lie, but it’s also incredible.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to tell him.
Steppinginto a packed Moby’s takes me back to the night I bravely did the same thing. That decision changed my life for the better. I glance around, looking for an empty spot and Kit, until my gaze lands on a small table near the bar with a little stand on it that says ‘Reserved for Professor Hanley.’ Seriously? That’s so nice.
Salem spots me as he comes around the corner carrying a plate of wings. He smiles and nods in the direction of the reserved table. I walk over and sit down, feeling slightly awkward as I look around.
“Hey there.”
A man’s voice draws my attention to my left to see the source. He’s tall, bearded, covered in tattoos, and I’d guess about twenty years younger than me. Without invitation, he slides into the chair across from me.
“Don’t tell me,” he says. “You’re waiting on a date.”
“But since your date isn’t here yet, I’m gonna go out on a limb and hope you date guys, and if you do, that you’ll let me be your next date.”
His comment stuns me into silence. “What?”