Page 86 of Gin & Sin
“It’s a key to my place,” he says. “I’m not sure what time I can get out tonight, but I want you to be there. In my bed, naked, putting your scent all over my sheets again.”
“I washed them and now I hate it.”
I nod, biting my bottom lip and squirming in my chair as my cock begins to swell. “How am I supposed to eat dinner now?”
“Same way I got through the day knowing my reward is you.”
I know my cheeks are red, but I don’t care. “It’s kind of wild, you know, getting to my age and never knowing I could feel like this.”
“If it helps, I didn’t know I could either.”
Okay, that’s a hopeful statement.
“You mean that, don’t you?”
“A hundred percent.”
Salem drops off two orange and pink layered drinks. “Two Gin and Sins for the handsome couple.”
“Thanks, Salem,” Kit says without taking his eyes off of me. He raises his glass, waiting for me to do the same. “To first dates. May there be many more.”
We clink glasses and as I take a sip of my drink, my courage blossoms. I can tell him how I’m feeling and that this is so muchmore than just a casual fuck for me. If my luck holds, this could be my future.
Couldthis night go any fucking slower? I swear every time I look up more people are filing in. From a business point of view, this is awesome, but from a guy who just wants to go home and climb all over a hot professor, it blows.
We had a nice dinner amid the chaos, talking about nothing in particular and everything all at the same time. I don’t know when the right time will be to tell him I’m ready to see where this goes, but I hope he knows that I am.
I bring a tray of beers over to a table of college guys. I know this since they’re all wearing Willow Bay jackets. In a way, they remind me of us back in the day, doing shots and talking shit until we stumbled out into the darkness and miraculously found our way home.
“Hey, guys.” I greet them as I set the pitcher down.
“Dude, have you guys noticed Professor Hanley lately?”
My ears prick up. One of the guys, a young twink with messy brown hair and big blue eyes, holds his hand over his chest like he’s having palpitations.
“Don’t know what happened, but he’s had a major glow up,” the guy continues.
“We’ve all noticed,” another guy says.
“I heard he’s been here a few times,” another one adds. “Rumor has it, he might be down.”
I should walk away, but my feet won’t budge.
“He’s such a bear,” the first guy purrs. “Gah, I would love to get under him.”
My jaw twitches as I slowly set the glasses on the table, taking way too long to do it, but these guys are too drunk to notice.
“Do you think he has a big dick?” a blond guy asks. “It’s always the sleepers who are packing.”
One of them laughs. “He is a sleeper, isn’t he? Normal on the outside, but there’s something about him, right?”
“He’s not normal,” the first guy says defensively. “He’s so hot. I’d do anything he told me to do. Yes, Professor Hanley. Anything you say, Professor Hanley.”