Page 7 of Bred To Be Owned
“How much damage control will I need to navigate?” I didn’t have to tell him why I’d changed the language, and he naturally flipped as well. It clearly wasn’t a decent blowjob because he could still answer me.
“If it goes sour, blame me. I’ll fall on the sword,” I said.
“This must be serious. I’ve never known you to make a rash decision. That’s why you’re my best boss, but I’ll deny that if you ever say anything.”
“I made a plan, and I have to see it through, but it requires me to remove a chess piece off the board.” My mind wandered to Toula, on her knees in front of me. She’d look up at me with her chocolate brown eyes while her tongue licked me from my head to my stomach. My dick hardened, and I had to adjust my stance. Now wasn’t the time to think about such things.
“He doesn’t approve, and if it goes south, you don’t let him take the fall for me. I’ll give my life for my decisions.”
Pahkan leaned down and grabbed a few strands of the server’s brunette hair, pulling at the roots. She let out a moan and renewed her efforts. “Does this have something to do with it?” He held up herhair in my direction. He knew, though I wasn’t sure how. “Ivan told me what you asked him to do. He didn’t put it together, but I did.”
I didn’t bother answering him when he already suspected the basics.
“You’re asking a lot for a Greek girl,” Pahkan said, tightening his grip on the server’s hair. “If this blows up, you’ll be dead before you can even fall on that sword.” He grinned, but there was no humor in his eyes. “You still sure?”
I didn’t bother answering him. His question was rhetorical. Pahkan was going to give me his permission, or I’d have to beg for forgiveness.
“I know you, and while I don’t agree with this, I can see where it will be fortuitous if you can actually make this work. I’ll give you my permission, but you sacrifice your life if it backfires on you.” He grabbed the back of the server’s head and made her choke on his dick.
I couldn’t be in this room without fantasizing about my young brunette. Unlocking the door, I slid back out into the hallway. This was going to plan.
Chapter 4
Ilya, the Russian,
“Last chance to back out.” My brother pulled on a black stocking cap but left it on top of his head as he watched me from across the back of the catering van we were using for this.
“You don’t have to do this. I am more than capable of handling it myself.” It was almost time, and if he had any doubts that would derail me, then I’d pull rank and sit his ass right here. Brother or not, I didn’t need a naysayer. Failure wasn’t an option.
“What are you going to do if he swings on you? You know he will, and you don’t know what kind of mental state the bride is in,” Adrik said, checking his gun before he stuck it in the back of his pants.
“I doubt she’s coherent.” Irini had been crying for most of the day, but as the night had worn on, and the comments became louder about the bedding, she’d retreated within herself. If she didn’t recognize that we were there to save her, she could cause more problems.
“That’s why I am going with you. This is a clusterfuck, and you know it.” He pointed at me, shoving his finger into my chest.
“How? Tell me how this isn’t a good plan.” I shoved his finger off my chest and twisted it until he yielded. “One measly long hallway with no windows won’t protect a bridal suite that’s on the ground level. We can easily go around the building and enter the suite through the French doors, for fuck’s sake.”
Adrik said nothing as he pulled the black cap over his blonde hair. If he said anything else, I’d have to take retribution from him as his boss, but as my brother, he was probably right. This was ludacris.
We were sitting in the back of one of our all-white catering vans. I’d called two of my most trusted soldiers to bring one and to make sure there was black clothing in the back. They sat in front of the van, watching us but not saying a word. Their place was to make sure that no one from the hotel would become suspicious. It was a catering van, and there was a wedding tonight.
“We’ve survived when others haven’t, and you’re going to lose your life over a seventeen-year-old girl.”
“Are you done bitching at me? It’s time,” I said, yanking down my mask and double-checking that the gun was snug against my back, tucked securely in my waistband.
Adrik flicked me off and opened the doors of the van. Creeping out the back, we made a run to the nearest outside wall. Plastering our backs to it, we slowly crept along the outside. I had to give it to the Italians. I’d never seen such a lack of security, and I would have fired whomever had thought this was safe.
I signaled to Adrik that we were approaching the camera. Ducking, we hid underneath its range of motion as the French doors came into view. A smirk formed on my lips underneath the mask. The layout mirrored the one I’d found Toula earlier. Pulling a lock set from my pocket, I made a hand gesture for Adrik to stop and then jumped the railing.
Screams came from inside, and I could see the shadows on the bed bouncing off the walls. I doubted we had been in time to save Irini, but she’d never live in fear after tonight. Picking the lock, I felt it give way underneath my touch, but I didn’t force the door open. Signaling to Adrik that we were in, I watched as he jumped and duck-waddled towards me.