Page 61 of Grave Danger
“Not really, as in no way? Or not really, but maybe?”
“No maybe about it.”
But Jack wasn’t sure she believed him. He wasn’t sure he believed himself. “Okay, so I admit it. The fact that it was Isaac made what Dennis said a little more believable.”
“Isaac is just a friend. A good friend.”
“Pinkie swear?” He offered up his finger.
Andie rolled her eyes.
Jack didn’t drop it. “What is that, the new FBI motto? Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity. Pinkie swear.”
“You’re a riot, Jack.”
“Seriously, what were you and Isaac pinkie-swearing about?”
“I can’t tell you without breaking the Rule.”
“You mean our rule?”
“Yes, our rule. The Rule. The stupid fucking rule that keeps us from talking to each other about the most important thing in our lives outside our family. The rule that has landed us in marriage counseling.”
Jack followed the road signs and steered onto the busy east-west expressway. “Then break it.”
“Fine. But if I’m going to break the Rule, I’ll break it big-time.”
“What does that mean?”
“Forget about the stupid pinkie swear. I’m going to tell you how I know Ava Bazzi is alive.”
“I pretty much proved that false in court today.”
“Oh, believe me, I heard all about it.”
“More pressure from the State Department?”
“Jack, you are jeopardizing negotiations to release an American citizen who is being held in an Iranian prison.”
“I’m helping my client keep her adopted daughter safe.”
“By proving something that isn’t true? Is that your idea of help?”
“Not even Farid believes Ava Bazzi is still alive.”
“Then Farid is wrong. And you’re wrong.”
“And you know this because...”
“Because I’ve seen the State Department’s confidential dossier on Ava Bazzi.”
Jack drove in silence.
“There,” Andie added, “I said it.”
Jack was holding the speed limit, thinking, as traffic heading to the cruise ships or hotels on Miami Beach sped past him.
“Are you going to tell me what’s in the dossier?”