Page 65 of The Business Trip
“It’s like any place, good and bad. I do what I have to do to make money… and to keep out of jail,” she laughed. “Been there once. I will do anything not to go back, and I do mean anything. I’d turn in my own mother if I had to. It ain’t easy to make a living, but I find ways. Just gotta stay one step ahead of the feds, you know?”
“Amen to that,” I said, and we sat chatting on the bench for another few minutes. I told her about leaving Glenn and about stealing Stephanie’s identity. I stopped short of the full murder, but I told her I wanted to frame Trent for some things. She nodded.
Finally, Trent walked out. He had changed since the flight but still had his greasy-looking hair slicked back.
“There he is,” I hissed, grabbing her forearm. He turned right. “Let’s go!”
We stood up and followed him from a distance. It wasn’t very far. He went to a corner bar and walked in. I just knew he would do something like that. He wasn’t the type to stay home on a Saturday night and clearly was single, so I had a pretty good idea of what his night would entail.
“Got the pill?” I asked Raven as we got within a few storefronts of the place.
“Of course, I’m no amateur.” She grinned at me. “I’ll be out within an hour, that’s my prediction. Go find a motel, Jazzy. I’ll text you when it’s done.”
And she disappeared. It was getting dark and a little chilly, and a motel sounded nice. I found one nearby and called an Uber. It was just two minutes away, the joys of a big city, and I was settled into the motel in no time.
I had one more thing I needed to do the next day to complete my fictitious trip to Atlanta for evidence, so I couldn’t change my hair just yet. I set the hair dye next to the sink, though. That would be coming soon.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I nervously waited for Raven’s text. It took a little longer than an hour but not much.
Done. He’s going to be feeling like crap tomorrow. He won’t be leaving his bathroom, let alone his house. And you’re right, what a jerk. He wanted me to sleep with him tonight. Total flirt and loser.
You’re amazing. Thank you. One final favor. I need to take a few pictures around town to show that I’ve been here, but they have to be from behind. Can you help me tomorrow? Some sort of tourist place?
Centennial Olympic Park would be good. I can meet you there at noon. ALL the tourists go there, for what reason I don’t know. It’s just a stupid parkwith Olympic rings and a few fountains but it’s definitely Atlanta.
I hearted the message and said I would talk to her again the next day.
CHAPTER 42Jasmine
The Sunday After the Flight
Sunday morning started with a text from Robert. The guy was relentless.
Inquiring minds want to know, how was the first night with Trent?? Do tell all, please.
The text had one of those little faces that looks like it’s pondering something.
I still had to make him think things were off to a great start, but I also needed to establish that Trent was inside all day. He was, thanks to the pill Raven had given him, but I wanted the police to believe he was indoors having a hot romance with Stephanie, so I wrote:
So far, so good. He wants us to stay in all day today to get to know each other.
Robert replied with some hearts.
Va, va, voom!
My plan was working perfectly. At this point he still thought his friend was in love.
An hour later, a text popped up from someone new named Diana.
Ready to meet up? I’ll be there in an hour.
Who was this, and where was Stephanie supposed to meet her? Well, no matter. I would have to hold her off like the others.
Sorry, I have to push it back. Something came up. I’m out of town for a week.
What are you talking about? You’re kidding, right?
Not kidding. Contact me in a week.