Page 12 of Beautiful Ugly
Can’t waste this opportunity to get my life back on track.
I step into the cabin slowly. It’s too dark to see inside with all the curtains and blinds still drawn, and I’m unsure what I might find given that the place has been empty for several years. The floorboards creak and groan a half-hearted welcome and I dumpthe bags. Then I blink, trying to adjust to the gloom while my fingers feel for a light switch. When I find one, I am relieved that it works. Then I’m pleasantly surprised by what I see.
What looks like an old log cabin on the outside has been completely renovated and transformed into something beautiful and modern inside, but still retaining the original features. It’s one big open-plan space, with a small kitchen on the left-hand side, a large metal-framed bed on the right, and a comfy sofa in the middle facing the huge glass doors at the back. I open all the curtains and blinds, which reveal an incredible 180-degree view of the ocean. This place takes the notion of a room with a view to another level and, from here, it really does look as though we are on the edge of the world.
When Kitty first mentioned an abandoned writing cabin, I pictured something rustic filled with dust and cobwebs. This is nothing like that. Smart-looking bookcases line any spare wall space, their shelves neatly crammed full of books—paperbacks, mostly—and arranged according to color, which surprises me. The bare, sanded floorboards are hidden in places with a series of sheepskin rugs, and wooden beams run the length of the ceiling. It smells of scented candles and open fires and... coffee, I think to myself, spotting an expensive-looking machine on the kitchen counter. There are fresh flowers on the dresser, and the bed has been made. Everything is neat, tidy, and spotlessly clean. Not a cobweb in sight. The penny drops. Kitty must have paid someone to come in, clean the place, and prepare it for my arrival. That woman thinks of everything. I should send something to thank her. Ideally a new novel. I find my charger and plug in my mobile. Even if I can’t use it to make calls, I’d like to take some photos of the place.
There is something unfamiliar looking on one of the pillows on the bed, and I take a closer look. At first, I don’t recognize the round black object, but then I pick it up and see that it is a Magic8 Ball. I had one when I was a child, it’s not something I can imagine someone like Charles Whittaker owning, but people are full of surprises. I try to think of a question to ask it.
“Will I ever write another book?”
I turn the ball so the window faces upward and read what it says.
At least it didn’t say no.
Columbo is busy exploring our new surroundings and I do the same, heading straight for the old brass drinks trolley I spotted in the corner. I’ve had to downgrade my taste in alcohol since the money started running out, so I can’t help feeling a bit excited to discover what must have been Charles Whittaker’s whiskey collection. All the finest—and most expensive—bottles of scotch are here, and most are unopened. I tell myself it would be rude not to, then choose one of the crystal tumblers from the trolley and pour a small glass. When I taste it, I pour myself a large one. Then I open the sliding glass doors, sit on the sofa, take in the view, and enjoy the sound of nothing. Nothing except the sea. My wife would have hated it.
Abby thought I had a drinking problem. She demonstrated her disapproval with passive-aggressive silences and a series of tuts. It was one of the few things we always argued about, and wediddisagree because itisn’ta problem. At least, not for me. I started drinking when I was a teenager and I never really stopped. My nana died when I was still at school, I didn’t have anyone else, and alcohol became a companion of sorts. Something to help me feel like me again when I couldn’t remember who that was. It didn’t make the overwhelming hurt go away, but it numbed my feelings of abandonment. I’ve been partial to a drink ever since and it was something Abby openly disapproved of. I confess that sometimes if she came home late—which she often did—I would be passed out on the sofa with a bottle and book beside me, butthere are far worse things I could have been doing. She called me a cliché. I don’t remember what I called her because I was drunk, but I always apologized when I was sober. I dished outsorrys like sweets at Halloween and she gobbled them all up, even the ones she didn’t like the taste of.
Everyone is addicted to something because we all need a form of escapism, and alcohol is my drug of choice. I only drink in private—a happy consequence of having no family or friends—so nobody except the dog sees the state I sometimes get into. And it’s not like I sit around drinking all day, just a little something in the evenings. To take the edge off. To help me sleep. To stop me from thinking about her.
There is a retro wooden record player in the corner of the room, and I wonder if it still works. I glance through the impressive vinyl collection, select an old favorite, and can’t help smiling when the sound of Nina Simone fills the cabin. There’s something Abby would have loved. I miss the way she danced when she thought nobody was looking. I miss so many things about her.
I find myself drawn to Charles Whittaker’s writing desk. It’s quite small, more like a child’s desk, and the only things on it are a key, a red harmonica, a pretty box of matches with a robin on the front, and a square silver frame, which I pick up to take a closer look. I’ve never seen a framed paper napkin before. A message is scribbled on it in black Biro:The only way out is to write. It’s an odd thing to find on the desk of an author, but I think I understand what it means. There are small wooden drawers, and I can’t help wondering what is inside. It feels wrong to look in someone else’s desk, even if they are not around anymore, but I do it anyway. Dead people are the best at keeping secrets. The first drawer I open contains crisp, thick, white paper. The kind for writing important letters. The next drawer contains envelopes. The third contains pens. Perhaps that’s all a good writer needs; paper and pens. I check out the wall of books next; it’s like alibrary of the best novels ever written. They’re all here, and I select a classic I think I might like to reread.
I pour myself another drink, lie on the sofa, listen to the beautiful sound of sea infused with Nina Simone, and feel myself start to relax. The whiskey melts on my tongue, slides down my throat, and warms me from the inside out. I could get used to this: the views, the solitude, the whiskey collection. Three months isn’t long to write a novel, but if I can, perhaps I could stay longer. Maybe I could live on the island and never have to see or speak to anyone ever again, surrounded by books and writing my own. I think that might be an almost perfect life. Kitty is so clever; this place is exactly what I needed.
I close my eyes, savoring the moment, until Columbo ruins it by barking.
“Shh, Columbo,” I say, keeping my eyes closed.
He ignores me and barks twice as loud.
“What is it?” I ask, standing up to see him scratching furiously at one of the sheepskin rugs. “Stop that right now.” I lift the rug to prevent him from damaging it, but he just starts scratching at the wooden floorboards it was covering instead. “Stop,” I say again, and this time he lies down with his head between his front paws, staring at the same spot on the cabin floor. I look closer and see that the board he was pawing at is loose. There are no nails holding it in place and it comes up without much effort. There is something there, under the floorboards. It’s too dark to see clearly so I use the light on my phone. Then I take a step back.
It’s a collection of small bones resting on a red velvet cushion.
And the bones are in the shape of a hand.
Am I really looking at human bones? I don’t know for sure, and I don’t know what to do about it if I am. They’ve been arranged on a cushion as though the skeletal hand is pointing at something, but I can’t see what.
There are a finite number of things I turn to when life is too stressful, and my life is always too stressful, so I pour myself another drink. I imagine Abby’s disapproval as I fill my glass. I can still see her face when I close my eyes, still feel her hand in mine, still hear her voice inside my head. Sometimes I think she is lying next to me in bed at night, and when I wake and remember that she isn’t, it feels like losing her all over again. People say time is a great healer, but it only seems to hurt more the longer she is gone.
The whiskey helps calm my nerves—it always does—and I take another look at what I have found, telling myself that there is no need to panic or let this unexpected plot twist spoil things. In my experience, there is no such thing as a random order of events; everything happens when it happens for a reason, even if the reason is hard to see at the time. I’m sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for all of this, and that the bones are nothing to worry about. They’re probably not even real.
Constantly lying to yourself requires a special variety of stamina.
I grab one of the metal tools from beside the wood-burning stove and use it to lever up the next floorboard. Then I stand and stare at what is hidden underneath.
I haven’t discovered any more bones—which is a relief—but there is something else.
At first, it just looks like a pile of A4 paper covered in dust and dirt. But when I blow the cobwebs away, it’s clear that I’m looking at a manuscript. I take my reading glasses from my jacket pocket and crouch down until I am close enough to read the title page: