Page 147 of Petite Fleur
I don't want her to have any delusions that I'm not going to kill Sean, but I don't want her to think she has to be involved, either. I can't imagine that would be easy for her.
She nods, putting her hands on my shoulders. "I want to do it." She says confidently.
“Woah, slow down, Icarus.” I say with a slight chuckle.
She raises an eyebrow at me, either in challenge or confusion. I’m not sure. “He’s-” I start, but she cuts me off with a smack to the chest. “Don’t patronize me; I know who Icarus is. I might be studying the environment, but I’m not a total dunce.” She says with an aggravated huff before continuing her tirade. “He was my roommate; this could have been happening right under my nose, and I noticed nothing and did nothing. I want to do it.” She states confidently.
I take a deep breath and nod. “Okay.” I promise her. If she wants to do this, I’ll do anything I can to help her, including taking over when she loses her nerve. “Tell me the plan, and we’ll make it happen.” I promise.
“Thank you.” She mumbles as she lays her head against my shoulder.
I'm careful not to bump into her chest, but I hug her when she clings to me. I rub my hands down her spine, needing her to know that I'm here for her and that I'll help her as much or as little as she needs.
"Can we pick him up tonight? I'd like to get Abby out of there as soon as possible." She mumbles into my neck.
"We sure can." I promise.
Chapter 58
Leon Aldon
After a mild argument and a delicious meal, I finally get Maeve to take a nap. I’ll support her if she wants to pick up Sean tonight, but she needs energy and rest in order to do that. Today has already been a rough day for her, and I know she’s worn out.
I cleaned her piercings and got her situated in one of my shirts before she situated herself on the couch and curled up under a blanket.
She claims she doesn’t like to nap in bed; it will throw off her sleep schedule.
I’m not sure how that makes sense, but it’s cute how particular she is about the most random things.
I love it.
I love every single thing about her, especially the things she's insecure about.
While Maeve naps, I sneak down to the basement and pack up a few things we're going to need tonight. I grab a knife, plenty of rope, a blindfold, duct tape, drugs, and a gun, just in case.
I need to take every precaution to keep Maeve safe, especially since Sean is unpredictable, and I haven't had the chance to study him.
My phone rings while I'm bagging up my things, making me even more thankful that the basement is soundproof. I need Maeve to rest until we're about to leave, and I'm sure my call would have woken her.
I answer as charmingly as possible when I see that it's the lab calling. Hopefully, they have her latest samples and can finally give me a clean bill of health for my girl.
I know I'm being overbearing, but her heat stroke scared me, and I won't take chances with my girl's health.
"Dr. Leon Aldon." I answer. I know who it is, but I feel the need to answer professionally whenever it's not a personal call. It's a habit I haven't been able to break unless a friend calls, not that I keep many of those.
I almost drop my fucking phone when my buddy from the lab tells me that Maeve's latest results came back that she is pregnant.
I can't believe this, this is amazing!
He tells me she's only a few weeks pregnant, and it was barely detectable, but I don't care. This is what I've wanted; this is what I've been waiting for since I found her.
With this news dropped on me like a bomb, there is no way she's coming with me tonight to pick up Sean. I won't risk her like that.
If she wants to kill him when I already have him strapped in and at least give him a mild paralytic, fine, but I will not let her get hurt.
Is it too late to put the collar back on?
Fuck, of course it is…