Page 152 of Petite Fleur
Only when I’m about to fucking lose it do I force her head down until I feel her fight in my hold and dig her nails into my thighs. I hiss at the pain, but it only spurs me on. I cum down her throat, feeling her throat attempt to swallow around me, but I’m too far in. I’m blocking her throat from fully swallowing, and I have to admit, I love watching her struggle for air.
I fill her throat and her mouth with my cum, pulling some of my cock out when I’m done. “Swallow.” I say firmly to her.
I watch my girl stare up at me, a little panicked, her cheeks full from keeping my cum in her mouth. “You lose a single drop, and I’m going to fuck your ass tomorrow. I'll get the duct tape out again, too. I may not be able to pierce or brand you right now, but I can still make you bleed.” I mention with a grin.
I ease up on her hair, taking my hands off of her so she can take her time pulling my cock out of her mouth.
My girl sits up and stares at me as she swallows, opening her mouth to show me that she’d done so afterward, but a single drop drips out of the corner of her mouth. I see her swipe it off her chin with her finger and grin at me.
I’m ready to see my girl lick her finger clean in front of me, but she doesn’t.
She traces her fingers up my chest until she can reach my face and swipes the last drop of cum onto my lip.
I lick the cum off my lip and grin up at her while I do so, but she shrugs innocently.
“Oh, petite fleur, you're going to pay for that.” I tease.
Chapter 59
Maeve Henderson
I want to be mad about all of this. I want to think that I'd punch Leon in the face and scream at him, but I expected this.
There was no other outcome but this; I'm just in shock and a little numb to it.
I think I'm more upset that my life looks so different now and that I'll never get to live out the shallow, single, and childless dream that I have always had, but I'm not mad.
I don't know if that makes sense; I don't even know if the thoughts in my head are real.
I feel fractured, in a way. I wish I could describe it, but maybe I'm just distracted by all of this with Abby and Sean.
Maybe that's clouding my judgment, and I can have a proper freak out over everything tomorrow.
For now, my focus is on Sean.
Leon comes with me into the bathroom, cleans up my face and chest, and takes out the piercings.
I don't see why they need to come out; it's already done, but he swears that it will be easier on my body if I don't have to go through the healing process with the piercings in.
I’m in a daze while Leon showers with me, treating me like some kind of porcelain doll with his soft touches and gentle demeanor. I guess this is the treatment I should expect for the next nine months.
I still can’t believe this is happening to me.
I honestly thought with my celiac that it would have taken him longer, but it didn’t even take two months of being his prisoner for me to have a baby on the way.
It’s fine; I guess fate just kind of works that way.
That’s what I’m telling myself, at least. I do love him and I told him I wanted a life with him, so I guess this is the next reasonable step.
Well, there are several steps we could’ve taken before this.
We could’ve gotten married.
We already live together, so I don’t know what else we could’ve done first, but this feels like the only logical next step for us.
We’ve already killed together, so a baby is one of the last significant things we have to do as a couple.