Page 71 of Petite Fleur
Chapter 27
Maeve Henderson
I feel sick.
Why do I feel sick?
My head is throbbing, my mouth feels dry, my joints are sore, and my arm is throbbing.
Why is my arm throbbing?
I pull my sleeve up and see gauze wrapped around my upper arm and bruising underneath the bandage.
Did I fall?
I don’t even remember drinking!
But my eyes feel heavy and dry and they burn when I try to open them and focus on everything.
When I rub my eyes enough that I can focus, I realize I’m not in my room.
I don’t actually know where I am…
What is this place, and why are my things here?
I quickly sit up and have to force myself to ignore how dizzy and nauseous the sudden movement makes me, but I’m more confused than anything.
How can I remember everything from the other night but nothing about last night?
Whatever happened last night, this is a lovely room.
It’s cold, just how I like it, and simply decorated.
Wait, why do I care about how the room looks?
And how is it already morning?
Last I remember, it was dinner time, and I had just finished eating my birthday dinner on my bedroom floor, yet now it’ssomehow morning, and I’m in a massive bed that’s softer than anywhere I’ve ever laid.
If I weren’t so nauseous and confused, I’d be pretty happy about where I am right now.
There are far too many pillows and a few too many blankets, perfect for cocooning yourself into and binging movies.
Wait, some of these blankets are mine…
Did I plan to come here?
Did I pack a bag?
I need answers, and I’m not liking the vibe I’m getting from this entire situation.
I jump up and have to immediately grab onto the nightstand for balance.
My head is spinning worse than it was the other night.
I see pulses of black and light flashing across my vision, and I can’t focus on anything. It makes me have to stop and pause so I don’t pass out.
When I’ve collected myself, I realize my glasses, the book I’m currently reading, and a bottle of water are sitting on the nightstand.