Page 16 of Flash and Bang
Jarrett shot him a playful look. “Now see, that wasn’t too hard to admit, was it.”
Thayne loved his drawl and he smiled at Jarrett before leaning toward him so he could take his stubbled chin in between his fingers and draw him forward. Jarrett kissed him, letting his lips linger a bit, building heat between them and when he finally pulled back and started the car, Thayne was primedand ready for him to get them to the hotel as quickly as possible. By the time Jarrett checked them in and they removed the small duffel bags they’d each packed for the trip, Jarrett was already out of his tie with his suit coat slung over his arm. He knew how Jarrett hated having to dress in a suit for work and he couldn’t help but be amused that he was already undressing before they got to the room. As far as Thayne was concerned that was great with him because he was more than ready to go at Jarrett for hours.
Jarrett stopped in front of their door and shoved the key card in as Thayne waited impatiently behind him. They dropped their bags just inside and as soon as the door snicked shut, Thayne reached out and grabbed Jarrett, pushing him back against the door as he pressed himself up against his body. His mouth was on him in seconds and Jarrett let out a groan as Thayne began kissing him. Jarrett stiffened for a second and then acquiesced, giving in to Thayne’s mauling. Thayne knew Jarrett loved his aggression and was always thrilled that he generally met him with a response that was like for like. He pressed the full length of his body against Jarrett, planting both flat palms on the door on either side of Jarrett’s wide shoulders. The position didn’t allow for Thayne to have much balance though, and he wasonly a little surprised when he felt Jarrett’s arms wrap his waist and smile against his lips. Almost before he knew what was happening, Jarrett had pushed off the door and was walking him backward into the room. Thayne had to clutch at his arms so he didn’t topple backward.
The momentum forced the kiss to end but that was just fine with Thayne. He couldn’t get naked the way Jarrett wanted him while he was in a lip-lock with his sexy lover. He spun around and stalked into the room, stopping in front of the bed where he began yanking off clothes. Thayne toed off his shoes and then sat to remove his socks and slacks, stripping out of his tie, jacket, and shirt just as Jarrett’s bare body also came into view. Jarrett was an amazing looking man. Silver hair on the top of his head, slashing black eyebrows, and a square jaw designed as if by a master sculptor, the man was just drop-dead gorgeous. Thayne was pretty sure Jarrett didn’t even realize that both women and quite a few men turned their heads to gape at him whenever he walked by. Of course, it was hard to miss a man who was built like a brick house, approaching six foot four with shoulders as wide as the side of a barn; the man was as imposing as he was stunning. Sometimes Thayne got weak in the knees just from looking at him.
Naked, Jarrett was even more impressive thanhe was wearing clothes. His skin was golden brown, scarred in many places. Every time Thayne looked at him, it seemed that a new one had appeared… knife wounds, bullet holes, and many others Thayne couldn’t explain and probably didn’t want to know about. Jarrett’s back had white stripes that Thayne decided must have been put there by something other than natural causes and Thayne hoped that he was wrong about their origin. Jarrett was permanently tanned from years in the desert sun, running from one special ops mission to another. Thayne suspected Jarrett’s heart also wore the signs of many battles in its own scars.
Thayne pushed all of that to the back of his mind to bring out later if he ever felt like asking Jarrett. He’d never bothered because like Thayne himself, Jarrett carried scars beneath the surface that he didn’t want to talk about. If Jarrett ever decided to get chatty about them, Thayne would be there with all of his attention focused on what Jarrett was ready to tell him, but the last thing he wanted to do was bring up things best left unsaid. They both had a past they hadn’t shared with each other. Thayne had dark secrets from when he’d spent nearly two hellacious years with the international arms dealer, Mills Lang, and Jarrett’s originated from more obvious clashes with evil. Both men had things theywanted to forget. It was one reason Thayne chose to enjoy Jarrett for now. He was well aware that they had no commitment to each other besides their partnership on the job and for the time being, that was the way it would stay. Neither one of them was ready to talk about a relationship other than in bed and Thayne was okay with that for now. Jarrett was one hot motherfucker in bed.
Jarrett raked a lascivious gaze up and down Thayne’s body and even clad in his boxer briefs, Thayne felt the weight of his lover’s desire in that gaze. He held out his arms and Jarrett walked into them, kissing him again as he backed him toward the bed. As soon as the back of his knees hit the mattress, he reached around Jarrett to keep his balance. Jarrett tore his mouth from his and stepped back, pushing at Thayne’s chest to make him fall. Thayne let out a tiny “Oof!” as he hit the bed and bounced, and Jarrett chuckled, following him down to cover him with his hot body. Thayne’s protest was cut short when Jarrett grabbed the sides of his face and looked down into his eyes.
“As much as I like ya in that suit, this is workin’ for me really good about now.” Jarrett drawled as he dragged one hand down Thayne’s naked side, only slowing when he got to the waistband of his briefs. He didn’t pull them downthough. Instead, he groaned as he ran his hand over the soft cotton, snaking it around between them and running his fingers over Thayne’s bulge. “Love this,” Jarrett whispered against his lips. He squeezed his rigid cock through the soft thin fabric. “You’re a well-built man, Wolfe.” His words were nearly a growl as he stroked Thayne through the boxer briefs.
Thayne had to bite his lip to keep from begging Jarrett to touch him harder. His fingers danced lovingly over his dick and Thayne bucked his hips forcing his cock harder against them, needing the friction only Jarrett could provide him. Jarrett’s entire body blanketed him and Thayne loved the weight pressing him down as Jarrett lowered his head and began kissing Thayne again. Thayne opened for him, loving the slide of Jarrett’s tongue against his own, tasting the beer they’d drunk on his tongue and enjoying the slightly light-headedness he felt from his own beer as it seemed to loosen him up.
There was nothing like allowing all his walls to fall in front of Jarrett and Thayne knew that Jarrett loved it too. They didn’t drink a lot or often, and they hadn’t had more than four four-ounce shots a piece, but the feel of the beer in his blood made him want more from Jarrett than the usual. That and the fact that it had been a long time since he’d been with Jarrett on a regular basis fueled his desire even more.
“Fuck me, Jarrett,” he groaned, ripping his lips from Jarrett’s hot mouth to let his lover know that he didn’t want to wait anymore.
“You want me inside ya, Thayne?” Jarrett punctuated the question with another firm stroke of his fist on Thayne’s dick.
“God, yes,” Thayne gasped. He humped against Jarrett’s large hand, letting him know that he was more than ready.
“You told me once you was not a good bottom boy, but I’ve never had that argument since that first night.” His statement was punctuated with a smile against Thayne’s lips.
“Bastard,” Thayne groaned, digging his fingers into Jarrett’s ass to pull him closer. “You know you had me begging, Jarrett.”
“Beggin’ looks good on them sinful lips, Thayne.”
“Please fuck me, Jarrett. I need you.”
Chapter Four
Thayne felt good under his body. Jarrett kissed him harder, loving the taste of his lover more than just about anything. He loved topping Thayne and in fact, he was generally more comfortable as a top. Jarrett didn’t know what it was about remaining in control all the time but it was working for him now, that was for sure. Sometimes he needed this. Sometimes he needed to take hold of a lover’s hands, hold him down, and feel his lover submit to him. Sometimes he wanted to be the one on the bottom, but after what he’d been dwelling on today, he needed to take control of his emotions the only way he knew how. He needed Thayne to submit to him.
Jarrett reached for Thayne’s hands, lacing their fingers together as he slowly dragged them up the bed. Once he had them over Thayne’s head, he broke their kiss and looked down at him.
“I need you too, Thayne. I need ya like this. You understand?”
Thayne’s bright blue eyes shone in the dim light of the room and he blinked. “You need me to submit to you, don’t you, Jarrett? Is that what you need from me tonight?”
Jarrett squeezed his eyes tight, feeling the well of tears behind his lids as he ducked his head, nodding jerkily.
“Then take what you need from me, baby,” Thayne whispered against his lips. “I’m here, Jarrett. I’ll be anything you need me to be, sweetheart.”
Jarrett sucked in a breath, opening his eyes, allowing himself to stare at Thayne for just a second before he was forced to look away. He abruptly sat back, letting go of Thayne’s hands. He couldn’t let Thayne see what he knew was in his eyes at the moment. Opening that door wasn’t one he wanted to open tonight.
“Turn over for me, will ya?” The words came out graveled as his throat tightened. He moved off Thayne and waited until Thayne had flipped to his stomach. Without asking, Thayne raised his arms over his head and laced his fingers together as he pushed his ass up in the air. Jarrett felt his breathing stutter in his chest as everything about Thayne relaxed and went submissive on the bed. Jarrett’s heart swelled in his chest but he managed to scoot backward off the bed and grab his duffel, removing his shaving kit where he’d packed lube and condoms for them. A moment later he climbed back on the bed and moved into place between Thayne’s spread knees. He leaned down and whispered in Thayne’s ear.
“Don’t say… just don’t say nothin’, okay?”
Thayne nodded and gratitude washed overJarrett. He picked up the lube and squirted some on his hand before grabbing onto Thayne’s gorgeous bubble butt, spreading him wide as he sank the fingers of his other hand into his crack. He immediately found the tight hole and began rubbing over it, twirling his large middle finger around the rim and thrusting the tip of it inside before pulling it out again. Thayne let out a breathless moan as Jarrett repeated the action, rubbing, thrusting, digging, dragging his fingers along his insides as he loosened him for his cock. Thayne remained motionless and silent except for the shudders Jarrett could feel as tremors began rolling through Thayne. The more Jarrett worked his ass, the harder Thayne’s body trembled but true to his word, his usually verbose lover remained silent. It was incredible to Jarrett that Thayne cared about him enough to do this for him. He’d always known Thayne was a thoughtful lover, but this brought that fact to a whole new level and it was what Jarrett desperately needed.
He abruptly removed his fingers and tore open a condom, rolling it on and slicking himself up, unable to dwell on that anymore. Jarrett moved into place behind Thayne, grasping both of his hips and pulling him up until Thayne was on his hands and knees with his legs spread. Jarrett grasped his cock with one hand, setting the other on Thayne’s lowerback, and guided himself in. Thayne said nothing but his harsh intake of breath could be heard as Jarrett advanced, pushing past the tight ring of muscle inside Thayne and sinking deeply. Thayne’s rippling muscles gripped his cock like a tight fist and it felt so good Jarrett felt as though he could die from the pleasure it gave him. He pushed in deeply and then pulled out again as Thayne merely huffed.
“That’s good, darlin’,” he groaned. “So damned tight. Ya gotta nice ass, Thayne.” He fucked him harder, loving the way it felt to have Thayne under him, completely at his will, completely his to do whatever he wanted to do with him. The only sounds in the large hotel room were the slap of their bodies and the grunts and groans of Thayne beneath him as Jarrett fucked him. He sped his movements, hanging on to Thayne’s hips for dear life as the sweat began to roll down his body. His own hard breaths came out in strangled pants. Jarrett leaned over Thayne as his hips continued to thrust.