Page 58 of Flash and Bang
Sarah laughed. “It wasn’t tofu. It was Chinese chicken salad and it was fantastic. How else do you think I can keep my girlish figure?”
“I ain’t gonna touch that one with a ten-foot pole,” Jarrett said. He stuffed some fries in his mouth and chewed.
“So what did you guys learn from Revilla and Quinn today?” Darcy asked.
Thayne and Sarah told them what they’d learned as Jarrett and Tim finished up their food.
“So you think these two are members of the militia?”
“My gut feeling is that she is, for sure,” Thayne said. “I’m not certain he is, but they live together like a couple and she admitted to knowing about Reverend James and the Freedom Brigade. She said they are ‘true Americans’ whatever the hell that means.”
“They have a massive Confederate flag on the wall,” Sarah added. “I’m with Thayne. If they’re not members, I’d be shocked.”
“So they said they were talking to the truckergoing over the manifest when the fireworks exploded, right?” Jarrett asked.
“That’s what they said, and it tracks with Mary Mason’s statement as well,” Thayne replied.
“So it should be easy enough to find out if that’s true. All we need to do is ask the driver to confirm their location during the blast, though I don’t know if that means we can rule them out as suspects in the sabotage,” Jarrett added.
“I agree,” Sarah said.
The door suddenly opened and Jarrett looked up to see Doctor Nelson enter. He smiled at the group. “I thought I smelled In-N-Out. Now I’m hungry,” he said.
Jarrett sat up straighter. “Good news, Doc?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes, actually. I just got a chance to look at your latest MRI. It looks like the bleeding has ceased. The accumulated fluid in your belly has lessened. If you feel like going home, I’m willing to sign you out, but you have to promise not to do anything strenuous for the next week or so. If you start bleeding internally, you will need surgery and I know you want to avoid that. I know you don’t live in this area but you have to promise to follow up with your own physician in a week and stay off yourfeet.”
Jarrett blew out a relieved breath. Anything was better than staying in the hospital another night. “Thanks, Doc. I promise.” He looked over at Thayne who pinned him with a serious gaze. He grinned. “Hey, get me my clothes, Thayne. I’d appreciate it.” He winked at Thayne who just nodded. “And if y’all don’t want to see my naked ass, you’d better leave the room.” He swung his long legs over the side of the bed. He was still filthy and desperately needed a shower, but at least Sarah had brought some of Thayne’s clothes for him to wear.
The group chuckled and walked out while the doctor went to do the paperwork. They had to wait about half an hour for the nurse to come in with discharge instructions. Jarrett wasn’t thrilled to have to be wheeled out of the hospital, but he was happy to see the sunshine by the time they left around three o’clock.
Jarrett felt much more like himself as he got out of Thayne’s shower and toweled off. He was tired as hell and feeling bruised and achy, but by the time Thayne helped him wrap his ribs and get into a pair of sleeping pants, he’d pretty much run out of steam.He eased his sore body onto Thayne’s couch and took the cup of hot green tea his partner offered, blowing on it before trying to take a sip.
“Do you feel like food again or you just want to rest? If you’re gonna take pain meds, you should eat. I can make something unhealthy for you if it makes you happy,” Thayne said. He was sitting on the couch beside Jarrett and running his fingers through Jarrett’s damp hair. The scalp massage felt so good, Jarrett just closed his eyes and leaned in to Thayne’s large hand.
“Thanks, Thayne. I’m not really hungry. That burger you brought really hit the spot, though. And I’m gonna get fat if I can’t work out. Damn, I feel like it’s been too long since we hit the gym.”
“Well, neither one of us is going to be hitting the gym with cracked ribs, Jarrett. And you’re on bedrest for a week.”
Jarrett stared at Thayne. He was just so goddamned beautiful. Those blue eyes of his were heart-stopping and the thing about Thayne was, he didn’t even realize how nice he treated him all the time. He spoiled Jarrett rotten and made him feel like a king. If it didn’t make their situation feel more domestic than it should, Jarrett might even love it. He’d never settled down with someone before, and thethought of it scared the crap out of him because good things like having Thayne Wolfe around never lasted long in Jarrett’s world. He sighed. “We’ll just see how long I can handle being confined to bed,” he admitted. There was still so much to do to finish this case and try to figure out who had it out for them. “How you feelin’, darlin’? I never even asked you.” He felt like a total heel.
Thayne groaned as he lifted his hand to his side. “Like I rolled down a fucking mountain. I have my own pain pills to take.”
Jarrett leaned in and kissed him softly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay on the road.”
Thayne frowned. “It wasn’t your fault someone was trying to kill us, Jarrett.”
Jarrett frowned again. “I gotta call my daddy. I’ll take some pills after the call and then we can both crash.” Jarrett replied.
Thayne touched his chin and lifted it so Jarrett was looking directly into his eyes. “I’m sorry, but if that’s the only way to get a message to your friend, I think you have to.”
Jarrett nodded. “Can you hand me my phone?”
Thayne leaned in and gave Jarrett a gentlekiss before letting go of his chin. “Okay.”
Jarrett watched Thayne get off the couch and walk into the bedroom. He came back with Jarrett’s phone, which had miraculously survived the crash, handing it to him. “I’m going to go into the bedroom and give you some privacy.” With one last glance, he turned and walked out of the room.