Page 71 of Flash and Bang
“Roger that,” Thayne heard Jarrett say.
Thayne grabbed Sarah’s arm and turned as he began to run to get as far away from the helicopter as possible. The rest of the gathered group did exactly the same. He glanced over his shoulder and saw an FBI agent run over to the pilot and drag him away as the helicopter climbed over their heads. When it was a hundred feet off the ground, Jarrett took his shot. The sound of Jarrett’s rifle shot was followed by a massive explosion as the helicopter came apart in midair. His bullet had found the gas tank. The massive fireball that resulted was a glorious thing to see. Thayne hit the ground beside Sarah and they both watched the pieces of metal hitting the ground. Mary’s bomb vests must have gone off, vaporizing her and her crew because intact bodies were nowhere to be seen as the wreckage fell from the sky to the pavement in front of the storage building.
“Woo-hoo!” Jarrett shouted in the earwig and Thayne heard Snow congratulate him.
“Wicked shot, Evans. Well done, Agent.”
Thayne’s heart swelled with pride for Jarrett. His lover had just taken out seven terrorists with one bullet. Of course the pilot had been shot and that was tragic. Thayne looked over to the man who was being pulled away from the falling debris by two FBIagents. He wasn’t moving but he was wearing a vest. He prayed the man had survived. If so, the mission would have been labeled a perfect success. He glanced over to the building where Jarrett had been perched and saw him climbing down the side. When he jumped to the pavement and began sauntering toward them, Thayne had an overwhelming urge to run to him and grab him. Adrenaline was roaring through his veins and he had to work to stop from making a fool of himself in front of everyone he had to work with. Just seeing Jarrett and the way he prowled toward him like a gorgeous big cat had Thayne tied up in knots. He reached up and took out his com unit.
“He’s one fine-looking man,” Sarah said. She reached for her earwig and removed it from her ear, shoving it down into her tac pants.
He’d gotten to his feet and taken his helmet off and he smiled as he reached down and held out a hand for Sarah. She took it and allowed him to help her to her feet. “Yeah, I guess he is.”
“How long has it been going on?” she asked sweetly.
Thayne smirked at her and reached around her shoulder drawing her close to him. “You are a nosy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Well, I have to live vicariously through you. I don’t have anyone in my life, Wolfe.” She was grinning.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said.
“So, how long?”
Thayne sighed. “It started when we were on the run before the trial. Then, we took a break when he went to Georgia for his training. When he came back… well, things just kind of happened on their own. Before we knew it, we were spending most of our downtime together.”
“Well, I can tell you’re happy, Thayne. I guess if I can’t have you, it’s a good thing someone does and for what it’s worth, I approve of your choice.”
Thayne smiled and squeezed her shoulder again before dropping his hand. “Thanks, honey.” He glanced around at Jose, Craig, and Tim before lowering his voice to a whisper. “Just keep it to yourself, okay? I don’t want Stanger to split us up. Jarrett is a good partner.”
She reached out and slapped his bicep. “Seriously? You seriously think I’d say anything? I love you, Thayne. You’re like a brother to me. I want you to be happy.”
“Of course he’s happy,” Jarrett said as hewalked up. “He’s got a great partner.”
Thayne and Sarah both started laughing as Jarrett’s grin fell. “What did I say?”
Thayne bumped his shoulder with his. “Nevermind. Great shot, Jarrett. I am impressed.”
“Thanks. Now tell me why you’re happy.”
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later.” Thayne nodded at Special Agent Snow who was waving them over. An ambulance had arrived and paramedics were loading the downed FBI pilot into it. “It looks like Snow needs us. Come on.”
Thayne, Jarrett, and the others walked over to where Snow stood surrounded by all the agents from Homeland and the FBI.
“Thanks to Special Agent Evans and his sniper skills, that ended well. Special Agent John Simms who was piloting the helicopter was shot in the chest. He has a collapsed lung but he is alive thanks to his Kevlar vest,” Snow said. There was a smattering of applause as gloved hands came together. “Our work is not over though. We still have Anthony Revilla on the loose and there is another suspect as well. Thanks to the suspicious minds of Jarrett Evans and Thayne Wolfe we now know that ATF investigator Suki Chang was involved with theFreedom Brigade.” He held up what appeared to be a high school yearbook. “We just found this inside the unit. We now believe that Mary Mason had one final terrorist act planned today at El Camino Real High School in Woodland Hills. Load up your vehicles and follow us over there.” He looked at his watch. “It won’t be dark for hours but we need to stop these bastards before the place is crowded with spectators. LAPD is already headed there. It is our top priority.”
“Let’s go, Evans,” Thayne said. “You can sit with Sarah and me.”
“Kids,” Jarrett said. “This bitch wanted to kill kids. I fuckin’ hate this case.”
Thayne nodded. They had to stop whatever Revilla and Chang had planned at the high school. They walked toward the black SUV with the rest of the gang following along. Whatever the outcome of the day would be, at least he’d have his partner by his side.
Less than twenty minutes later, Jarrett and Thayne’s ride pulled into the large parking lot at El Camino High School. The place was already packed with police vehicles and cops were evacuatingspectators from the grass surrounding the Olympic-sized track where a massive bonfire had been set up. It remained unlit. As soon as they got out of the SUV, Snow walked over to them.
“You still have your sniper rifle. Good. I need you up on top of the announcer’s box, Evans.” He pointed to a large box situated just above the top row of built-in cement bleachers. “As soon as you see either Chang or Revilla, you are to take them out. If you have the shot, take it. We’re not giving them the benefit of the doubt. That directive comes from the FBI director himself. Clear?”
Jarrett nodded. “As a bell, Snow.”