Page 13 of March 5
He hadn't fucked her.
He wasn't going to fuck her.
But Maverick needed to know that his daughter was in his bed last night. He'd sworn on the patch to stay loyal to his brother.
Chapter Six
Baller ran toward the door of the clubhouse. "Come on, Clara. We're going to be late and miss Rec Swim."
Katrina and Jagger's oldest son windmilled his arm, hurrying Cora and Wire's daughter along. When the bikers weren't partying or having a meeting, kids ran wild in the clubhouse.
Dio finished pouring whiskey into his coffee. The ride to the clubhouse brought back the spasms in his back, and he hoped the pain would go away if he kept walking.
Maverick caught the door before it shut and stepped inside. Dio walked to him, determined to get the much-needed conversation over with.
"What the fuck was the early wake-up call for?" Maverick pointed toward the bar. "I need coffee."
Dio walked with him across the room. "Something happened that I need to talk to you about."
"Spit it out." Maverick poured the coffee into a mug. "I'm riding out with Crew One, and I told Brooke I'd stop at Whale's Tail before I hit the road."
Dio set the mug on the nearest table in case Maverick wanted to take a swing at him. "I called Skye to the house last night because my back was killing me. I got home and collapsed on the mattress,thinking if I rested for a few minutes, it would get better, but it ended up hurting worse than before."
"Yeah, been there. It sucks." Maverick cleared his throat, lifting the cup to his mouth. "Did she help you?"
He pressed his hand against his lower back. "It's better."
"She's got magic hands."
He nodded. "The thing is, I passed out while she was giving me a massage and—"
"You sound like Brooke. She fell asleep every time Skye practiced on her when she was getting certified." Maverick shook his head in amusement. "I think she saved the deep muscle shit for me because the next day, I was always sore from all her prodding."
"Brother, you need to listen." Dio needed to tell the whole story. "While I slept, Skye decided to stay at my house in case I needed her during the night."
"Sounds like Skye."
"She slept in my bed," he blurted, holding his hands up. "Nothing happened. As soon as I found her beside me this morning, I sent her home."
Maverick took another drink, studying Dio over the rim of the mug. He held his gaze. While he'd come clean, he expected some retribution. But nothing happened.
The Havoc-Lincoln Motorcycle Club Bylaws stated that all old ladies and children were off limits to members without prior approval. He wasn't asking permission. He was stopping Maverick from thinking differently about the situation.
"You know I'd rather die than hurt Skye."
Maverick dipped his chin, held out his hand, and said, "That's why we've always trusted you with her."
He shook his MC brother's hand and exhaled. "That's something I'd never break."
"To the grave, brother." Maverick drank from the mug as if the liquid wasn't scalding and sending steam into the air. "I need to get to the coffee shop."
"We're good?" he asked.
"Yep." Maverick clasped his hand and then walked out of the clubhouse.
Dio remained tense. While he'd told Skye's dad what happened, he hadn't told him everything.
He hadn't explained how it felt good to have his hands on Skye and how his cock sought her attention. He turned away from the door and put his cup in the sink. What the fuck was wrong with him?