Page 28 of March 5
Irritated that he'd even ask, Dio scoffed. "On my life."
He would never hurt Skye. He'd go to the grave protecting her.
"Then, what's the problem?" Maverick exhaled loudly. Brooke believes she'll work through whatever bothers her. In the meantime, we all support her. If you can't do that, then distance yourself from her."
"It's not that I can't..." He grabbed the whiskey bottle and drank straight from it. Then, he wiped his mouth with the back of his forearm.
Maverick wasn't listening to what he was saying. Maybe Maverick couldn't see what Dio was seeing, couldn't hear what he heard come out of Skye's mouth, couldn't feel the emotions thick in the air.
"Listen to me." He paused, making sure he had Maverick's attention. "Brother to brother, Skye's throwing herself at me."
He'd said it.
Maverick met Dio's gaze. "There's never been a time that Skye hasn't thrown herself at you." Maverick met his gaze. "You've had more patience than anyone in her life. She's lucky to have you."
Dio's head was going to explode. Was he going to have to spell it out?
"Listen, I appreciate how you look after her." Maverick pushed off the fridge. "Brooke and I areboth grateful for how much you've supported Skye over the years. Hell, you're family, brother."
Tension clamped down on his neck. He pressed his hand to his lower back. His whole body ached. Maverick failed to understand how serious the situation between him and Skye had gotten. Maverick had no reason not to trust him around Skye. But he was only a man—and Skye was pushing him too far.
"Skye is twenty-one years old." Dio held up both of his hands. "I fuck girls her age."
Maverick chuckled. Dio stared at his MC brother. It was official. Maverick had lost his damn mind.
"I need to get home before Brooke starts worrying, " Maverick said, walking out of the kitchen. "Thanks again for helping my daughter. I owe you one."
Dio hung his head, knowing Skye's dad left without understanding the problem.
He wouldn't hurt that family for all the money in the world. But Skye was wearing him down.
Chapter Thirteen
Aunt Brooke leaned over to pick up the fallen potholder off the floor. Skye's dad smacked her ass on his way to steal a pickle from the plate on the kitchen island.
Skye warmed inside, always enjoying the way her parents showed their love for one another. She never realized how special of a relationship they had until she watched Mariah's parents go through a rocky divorce when she was in high school.
They never took each other for granted, and no matter how long they were separated, whether that was for ten minutes or a full day, they always sought each other out and kissed, putting all their attention toward each other. Once they got their fill of each other, they included her, the club, and their friends.
Their love created ripples within their circle, benefiting many people.
Her dad leaned over and kissed the top of Skye's head. "How was your day?"
"Long." She shrugged. "I only have two clients on Wednesday since Mr. Tenoli's doctor approved him to go back to work."
"You're a miracle worker." Aunt Brooke took out another potholder from the drawer and opened the oven.
"I'm not too sure about that," she whispered.
"Have you given it more thought to take theclasses in...what was it called?" Aunt Brooke set the sheet of meatballs on the cutting board.
"Craniosacral therapy." She sighed. "I would love to. Not only because it interests me but because it would allow me to work full-time. The cancer treatment center is overflowing with those who need the treatment. In fact, many more people need the therapy than there are those qualified to perform the therapy."
"That's job security, right there." Her dad leaned against the kitchen island. "What's stopping you?"
"I don't know." She propped her chin on her upturned hand. "Myself, I guess. It hasn't been that long since I started working for myself. Even though I could take on more clients and earn more, it's overwhelming."