Page 80 of March 5
"Hang on." He watched Skye pull up her shorts. "Since you have so much experience blowing me, you can blow out my share of the candles."
She slid her hand into his. "I doubt if I can. You have so many."
She tugged him into the hallway. "I have to check and see if the girls are done swimming before we can do anything."
As he walked into the clubhouse's main room, he spotted Daisy coming through the front door, holding his daughters' hands. He pointed them out to Skye.
Ten-year-old Summer was the spitting image of her mom at that age and was already pushing the boundaries. She also loved swimming and joined the city team for the first time that summer. Six-year-old Rain had never met a stranger and talked from when she woke up until she fell asleep. While a charmer now, he had a feeling Rain would be the one to watch out for when she got older. She was a fighter and never let anyone push her around.
"Mom. Dad." Summer broke free and ran to them in her swimsuit. "Daisy taught me how to breathe on a two-stroke."
Skye gave Summer a high five and waved across the room to Daisy. "Did you tell her thanks for helping you?"
Summer nodded. "Did you show daddy your gift to him?"
Skye leaned down and said, "Yes, and he liked it."
Summer laughed, covering her mouth. Rain leaned against him and yawned. He picked his youngest daughter up.
"Tired, baby?"
"I'm hungry." Rain yawned again. "Summer wouldn't leave the pool, and I wanted to come to the party."
He carried her over to the cake and motioned for Skye. The others attending the party gathered around them and sang Happy Birthday. Afterward,Skye blew out the candles—someone was smart and only put two on the cake, making it easier.
While Skye got Summer and Rain a piece and set them at the table, he walked over to Jagger, who returned from a three-day ride last night. He'd taken a six man crew with him down to Medford, Oregon, to the new Chapter of Havlin Motorcycle.
"How was the trip?" He put his hands in his pockets.
"Better than I expected. The weather held for us." Jagger put his boot up on a chair and leaned his elbow on his knee. "Baller has fifty members already and picked up some titty bar down there that he thinks he's going to run."
Dio chuckled. "Living the life, man."
Ruger carried two plates with cake on them toward him and handed him one. "Your ol' lady told me to tell you to eat."
"She's bossy like that." He took a bite. "Good thing I like that."
He forked the frosting and scraped it between his lips. Halfway done with his piece, Skye came to stand by him. He gazed over at his girls, sitting with Bane and Daisy—their honorary uncle and aunt.
His MC brother and Daisy had never had kids, but they actively watched and sheltered all the club kids.
"I'm going to ride out next week." Ruger crossed his arms over his chest. "I'd appreciate it if the club would look after Rachel."
"Where are you going?" Dio set his empty plate and fork on a nearby table.
"I heard some friends of mine are inCalifornia." Ruger held Dio's gaze. "I thought I'd pay them a visit."
His MC brother cocked his brow. Dio was surprised to hear Los Li was in the states again. It seemed like every three or four years the Mexican Mafia sent more members over. Ruger was still on a personal search and destroy mission to get as many of them as he could.
"Stay safe, brother." Dio dipped his chin in respect.
He, too, would have a lifelong vendetta to pay if someone messed with Skye.
Maverick and Brooke joined them, giving Skye a hug. Dio shook Maverick's hand while the women went to check on the girls.
"I thought you were staying home," he said.