Page 55 of Savage Surrender
She jumped a little, whipping her head around at my voice. Her expression was tight, a furrowed brow of a deep frown, but as soon as she realized I was there, she crumpled. Almost seeming near tears, she got up and ran to me.
I caught her easily, wrapping my arms around her.
She knows.If she was acting like this, she definitely knew that our secret wasn’t such a secret anymore.
“People are gossiping that we…” She burrowed her face against my chest as I held her.
“Yeah,” I agreed with a long, rough exhale. “People have been talking about us.”
She sniffled, holding on to me tighter. “I’m… This isn’t?—”
“Shh.” I stroked her hair back and let her cling to me, wishing I could whisk her away and envelop her in my security. I could keep her safe. Iwouldkeep her safe. But I couldn’t begin to do that here.
“Come on.” I tipped her chin up so she’d face me. “Let me get you out of here. We’ll talk.”
Nodding jerkily like a bobblehead, she walked with me. I set my arm around her shoulders, tucking her against my side. With a protective stance like this, I wanted to be ready to ward off anyone who tried to bother us. Walking out to my car with her was a clear sign that I was with her, but there wasn’t any point in trying to hide our relationship anymore. The cat was out of the bag. The time had come to really talk to her and let her share some answers with me. We’d made a mess out of this by catching feelings for each other, but it was done.
We can’t be done.I wouldn’t let that thought stay in my head. Her easy acceptance of my guiding her into my car gave me hope. She wasn’t lashing out at me and furious, nor was she tucking her head down and crying as she ran away like a defeated coward.
No, she was right here with me. She sat in the passenger seat, silent and serious. I held her hand as I drove. Even though she seemed too upset to talk right now, that would change as soon as we got to my home.
Rehearsing how I would start this conversation filled the ride for me. I knew I would need to be in charge of this discussion, so it was with a twist of gratitude that we didn’t speak on the way home.
Once I had her inside, though, I led her to sit on the sofa where I’d spanked her sexy ass and filled her pussy with my cum. It seemed like that had happened so long ago—too long ago—but it was so recent in reality.
“Irina?” I sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing her. Resting my elbows on my knees and leaning forward to clasp my hands together, I stared at her beautiful face. If only I could wipe off the anxiety evident there. Instead, I was here to drop a huge bombshell on her, one she never could’ve expected.
She shook her head and lifted her arm. Pressing her fingertips to my mouth, she gave me the cue to shut up and let her talk first. That wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t how I imagined this to go, but I could be patient. She looked too worked up to try to argue with her. That was how deeply I worried about her and wanted to keep her as safe and happy as possible.
“Someone…” She stopped, shaking her head. “No, not someone. The only person I can think of to blame is Jessica. She’s the only person who could’ve seen us together.”
No, not true.Lots of people saw us walking through that whorehouse together. That was the ground zero of where the word spread from.
“If Jessica didn’t run her mouth and gossip about us, then someone else did.” She lifted her shoulders and let them fall again, listless even in that motion. “All that matters is thatpeople in my circle were talking, and word got back to my father.” She didn’t blink or try to hide as she gazed at me. “My father is upset about the news that I hooked up with you, and that’s… a very delicate situation to survive.”
I nodded, wanting to let her know that I didn’t need her to spell it all out for me. But she was on a roll, not stopping as she rambled without pausing for a breath.
“This isn’t a typical father-and-daughter clash. I haven’t merely disappointed him. I’ve made him furious, Vik. He’s livid about the news that is spreading about me. The news that I’m no longer a marketable or desirable virgin bride any man would want.”
I leaned forward to set my hands on her thighs. “You are.Iwant you.”More than I should.
She placed her hands over mine and lowered her gaze. “When I say my father is angry with me, it’s not a simple grudge. I told you that he’s influential, but I didn’t explain any further. My father is the boss of a Mafia family, Vik. So when he’s upset, he can and will retaliate with swift and certain punishments.”
“Deep breaths, sweetheart,” I urged her as I watched her pant too quickly, as if she were on the verge of a panic attack.
She growled lightly. “Deep breaths won’t change that he’s so mad, Vik. Nothing can stop him from being furious that I hooked up with a civilian, a normal man like you, when he’d been so sure of my staying a virgin. My whole life, I was raised with the expectation that I wouldn’t have sex until my father picked a husband for me. To remain pure and wanted, not used like damaged goods.”
Grinding my teeth, I tried to dispel that thought. “You arenotdamaged goods.”
“According to him, I am. I’m no longer valuable since I gaveyoumy virginity. Since I chose you, a man he’d never meet or be able to judge.”
I watched her, mulling over what she’d just revealed.
He doesn’t know.
“Does your father know that you slept with me? Specifically?”