Page 17 of Until You
“Let’s just say I’ve been investigating my new VP’s employment history, and she likes to go in and make a clean sweep of things. She’s made it obvious she doesn’t like me, so the proverbial handwriting’s on the wall. I’d rather be proactive rather than reactive. I know my contract has several clauses for both scenarios. I need to know which one is to my advantage, especially since I know my company will be doing the same.”
Randy glanced down at the contract and nodded. “Do you have any idea what you’ll do?”
“Not a clue. I’ve worked for Montgomery Enterprises since I got out of college, which probably means I’m due for a change anyway,” she said. “No one sticks around in one place too long anymore.”
“Maybe you’ll find something here,” Randy said. “Brittany would love for you to be closer.”
“Yeah,” she said, surprised the thought hadn’t even occurred to her. She’d been too busy worrying about a possible exit strategy to think about where she’d land. She stood and started to reach out to shake Randy’s hand, but his averted gaze as he stood and took her hand reminded her that she’d let go of her blouse.
“I have a spare shirt you can put on if you like.” He walked over to a closet, pulled a pale blue shirt off a hanger, and handed it to her. “I have meeting with some clients in about fifteen minutes. How about I go check to make sure everything’s on track? That will give you time to change.”
“I’ll take off when I’m done. Thanks.” She held up the shirt. “For everything.”
“No problem.” He stopped at the door and paused, his hand on the knob. “Britt thinks the world of you.”
“I think the world of her too.”
“I’m not sure you know how much she appreciates you doing all these wedding activities.” He grinned. “It’s excessive; trust me, I know. But I’d give her anything she wants. And she wants this.”
Lanie was surprised at the twist of jealousy in her gut. “She’s lucky to have you.”
Randy’s eyes twinkled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Can you say that again, only this time to the camera?” Then he laughed and walked out the door.
Tyler headed up to the twelfth floor, trying to get in the right head space for his deposition, but he kept thinking about the sexy brunette from Britt’s shower. He was trying not to dwell on the fact that she was walking around with his jacket and tie next to her creamy skin. He was no romantic, but he couldn’t deny it kicked his imagination into overdrive.
Maybe he was ready to start seeing women again. Nothing serious, but maybe it was time to get back in the game.
His thoughts drifted back to his phone call with his father. Did his father have a point? When was the last time he’d made any effort to spend time with his family?
He stopped by his assistant’s desk to pick up a file for his deposition, but as he headed to his office, he saw Victor heading toward him and thought of a way to start things in the right direction with his brothers.
“Hey, Victor,” Tyler said as he started to walk by. “Does your offer include your Royals season tickets?”
Victor’s smile wavered. “Yeah. What day?”
“Sure. I’ll give them to you by the end of the day.” Victor waved and continued down the hall.
Randy walked up behind Tyler and released a low whistle. “Was I hearing things? Did Victor willingly hand over his Royals tickets?”
“I gave him some legal advice, and he said he owed me. I just had to name the price.”
“Nice. You do know we have a photo shoot Sunday night too, don’t you?”
“The game starts at one. I’ll make it.”
“I’d beg to come along, but Britt would kill me.”
“And any other time I’d take you, but I’m going to ask my dad and my brothers.”
Randy’s eyes widened in surprise, not that Tyler blamed him. Randy knew he wasn’t close to his family. “Do you think your dad will come?”
“No. But at least I’ve made the offer.” Time for a subject change. “Are you ready for the deposition?”