Page 16 of Bid For Me
I pull a sour face, my lip curling with disgust at his statement, even though he’s correct. “Don’t call it that. It’s such a stupid saying. Just because I’m yet to have sex, I’m hardly innocent. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”
Seb’s eyes flash with surprise and then a wicked gleam takes over his golden orbs. “Well you just got a lot more interesting, Aiden’s baby sister.”
“Don’t call me that either,” I snap before conceding, “Yes, you’re right, my needs are two fold.” A twinge of resignation creeps in. “What do you need in return?”
Sebastian leans forward, his expression earnest yet determined.
“I need a girlfriend.”
I raise an eyebrow, processing his request. “For an event?” I inquire, a hint of relief in my tone.
Sebastian shakes his head, his gaze unwavering. “Long term.”
“How long are we talking?” I ask carefully, trying to gauge the extent of his proposition.
“Six to eight weeks,” he replies, his voice steady.
“Okay. I can probably do that. And you’ll sleep with me at the end?” I blurt out, the words sounding bolder than intended.
I’ve waited this long, two more months won’t kill me, I reason silently.
“Six to eight weeks dating,” Sebastian clarifies, his tone serious. “With our engagement announced immediately, and the wedding in two months’ time.”
My jaw hits the table top, shock coursing through me. “What?”
“I’ll sleep with you…” he declares, his gaze unwavering. “If you’ll be my wife.”
A surprised laugh breaks free,startling me. I cringe at the sound. “You’re insane.”
God that was loud. But it makes a hell of a lot more sense than paying two million pounds just to get in my pants.
But Sebastian doesn’t laugh.
And then the waitress brings our food and I have to sit there, seething, while I wait for her to leave. All with a polite smile on my face. The second she’s gone, I hiss at him.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” He doesn’t reply. “So let me get this straight,” I say, trying to process what he’s saying. “You want to fake a relationship, announce our engagement, and then get married in two months, just so I can lose my virginity in return?”
Sebastian looks at me, his eyes steady. “That’s the plan. But I promise, the marriage is just a formality. We can annul it after a year.”
“A year?” I practically screech before realising that people are staring and dropping my voice. “But what about my family? My friends? My brother?”
“I’ll handle everything,” he replies, his tone confident. “This is my problem, not yours. I’ll make sure your family and friends know everything they need to know.”
I take a deep breath, trying to weigh my options.
“My father’s had enough of my ‘whoring ways’ as he put it. He’s issued an ultimatum. I have to be married within three months or he’s cutting me off.”
I feel bad for him, but still…he’s asking a lot. Too much.
“A year of my life in exchange for one night?” I whisper. It doesn’t seem worth it. It doesn’t seemfair. “Seb?—”
“Elle, please. I promise I’ll make it worth it.”