Page 3 of Bid For Me
Five boyfriends, a job in a sex club, and a collar around her neck, and she still blushes like a nun in the Red Light District. I love her.
“Are you ready?” she asks, watching as I flip my hair once more, smack my lips together and give myself an approving once over in the mirror. I nod.
“I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
“Wint sent a limo for tonight. It’s waiting outside.”
“Of course he did,” I reply with a throaty laugh, looping my arm through Candy’s and grabbing my clutch bag. I knew about the car. Wint sent me the standard invitation that gets sent to all applicants who are chosen to join.
That’s the thing. I didn’t know when I filled out my initial application form, that meeting the criteria, having a clean bill of health and apparently, more money than god,stillwasn’t enough to guarantee entry into the exclusive club.
You have to bechosenby another member. The invite says, ‘Someone chose you…for me’. You don’t know who chose you until you arrive, and even then Wint explained, sometimes you still won’t find out.
I absolutely love the mystery and intrigue behind the idea of sponsored membership, and whilst part of me desperately wants to know who finally agreed to sponsor me, I’m also kind of thrilled by the secrecy and anonymity of the whole thing.
The guys were more than happy to get on board with my auction suggestion, but weren’t prepared to compromise on their invitation rule, so I spent weeks in knots wondering if anyone would want me. If they would choose me. If I’d be accepted.
Luckily, adventurous virgins with a penchant for pain, happen to be a hot commodity, even in the vastly varied world of BDSM, and Wint says he was inundated with offers for me.
Now I just need someone to bid for me.
“It’s for opening night, not your hoo-haa,” Candy snaps lightly with a smile, bringing me back to the present and the mention of the limousine.
“Although, if you think about it, it kind ofismy hoo-haa’s opening night too,” I joke, making her snort.
“Fucking hell. You’re something else, you know that?”
“Absolutely,” I agree, beaming at her.
How lucky am I that I get to do this with my best friend by my side, supporting me every step of the way?
Outside,a sleek black limo waits for us, the chauffeur ready to open the door. Inside, there’s champagne already poured and waiting. I grin at Candy and pass her a glass, saying cheers as we pull off.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this,” Candy mutters when the car pulls up outside the club.
Outside there’s a crowd of onlookers and press lined up on both sides of the golden carpet that’s been laid out for arriving guests.
“Please. You’ve seen the press this past year, the world is chomping at the bit for this club opening. Look at them,” I tell her, and she grins because she knows I’m right.
In a sudden wave of nerves, I tear my gaze away from the crowd outside and turn to Candy.
“Tell me who’s coming tonight,” I plead, pulling on my mask.
It was decided that everyone coming to the club tonight would wear a mask to enter, but could take them off once inside. If people wanted to. My mask is black with delicate bloomshand painted in deep reds, and it’s gorgeous with my deep wine-coloured gown.
Candy shoots her an evil grin and shakes her head. My heart sinks. She’s not going to tell me shit.
“You know I’ll never reveal our members’ identities. Discretion is part of our appeal. Hence the masquerade.”
“Boo, bitch. I’m your best friend!” I cry, only half joking. I respect the boundaries of the club and how hard they’ve all worked to make it a success, so I don’t really expect her to tell me. But still…bestie code…she could at least give me a hint.
“Yes, and after tonight you’ll be a fully paid up member so you’ll be able to see for yourself.”