Page 8 of Bid For Me
“What are you doing, Bas?” She snaps, folding her arms across her chest and scowling at me. “This is ridiculous.”
As Elle’s words hit me, I feel a pang of frustration mingled with affection. She’s always been stubborn, we’ve always butted heads, but I hadn’t expected her to resist me like this.
I need to win her over. I need her on my side, need her on board with this outlandish crazy plan.
“Come on, Elle,” I urge softly, taking a step closer to her. “No, ‘it’s great to see you Bas,’ or ‘it’s been so long, you’re looking more handsome than ever’?” I flash her my most charming smile, the one that never fails, yet all it does is seem to wind her up even more.
For a minute there I forgot that Elle has always been the only one who’s immune to my charms. Time to try a different tact.
“You know I had to make sure you were mine.”I mean, it’s not a lie. I just don’t mean it in the way she thinks I do.
Her eyes widen in surprise, and for a moment, I’m hopeful that she believes me. But then they narrow in disbelief, and I can see the doubt flickering behind them. I can’t blame her for questioning my motives, but I need her to believe me. Everything rides on her trusting me.
“Are you insane?” she hisses, her voice laced with disbelief and a hint of anger that I wasn’t expecting. “Why would you bid on my...on a date with me?”
I smirk at her reaction. Wint had made it abundantly clear to everyone what adatewith Elle would entail, and the prospect had been too tempting to resist. I couldn’t believe my luck. Finding out the girl I’ve…known my entire life, the one girl I could never have, is still a virgin…it’s too good to be true.
We can both benefit from this arrangement, I just need to put my feelings aside and remain professional.
This is a business transaction, nothing more.
“If I thought you’d say yes, I would have asked you out years ago. And saved myself a cool two mil,” I reply with a playful grin, hoping to lighten the mood.
Elle scowls at me, her frustration palpable, even as she pales at the mention of the sum of money. “You’ll have to speak to Wint. Get your money back.”
But I shake my head firmly. “I’m not doing that.”
I can’t back out now. Everything is riding on tonight. She’s the one.
“You have to, Bas! You can’t pay…I’m not worth…please…” she trails off, losing steam as her shoulders slump in defeat. “Bas, you don’t understand.”
I reach out to gently cup her cheek, my touch soft and reassuring. My pulse flickers as I caress her velvety porcelain skin, my eyes glued to her naturally plump lips.What I wouldn’t give to kiss them…
“I understand more than you think, Elle. Who do you think sponsored your membership in the first place?”
As the truth sinks in, I see the realisation dawn in her eyes. She may not believe it yet, but I’ll show her just how much she means to me.
It’s way more than two million pounds.
“Why would you do that, Bastian?”
“Seemed like you wanted to join.” I shrug, faking nonchalance. “I’ve been a member for years, and the sponsorship fees weren’t an issue for me.”
“Even more reason not to bid on me, Bas. You’ve spent enough,” Elle says softly, her voice tinged with concern. “I’ll pay you back.”
As Elle’s voice fades into the background, drowned out by the rush of blood in my ears, I take a moment to gather my thoughts.
Her presence envelops me, her beauty almost overwhelming in the dim light of the room. I’ve never really allowed myself to look at her in that way before, but as we grew older, her beauty was impossible to ignore. Even now, when I can see the worry etched into her features and my heart aches at the thought of causing her distress, there’s no denying how arresting she is. It’s a damn miracle that she’s even single, let alone a virgin.
But I can’t back down now, not when I’ve come this far. The search has been long and hard, and I almost can’t believe thatthe perfect solution has been under my nose this entire time. I just need to make her believe it.
“Elle, you’re worth every penny and more,” I reply earnestly, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination. How can she be so unaware of my true feelings towards her? “I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else winning you tonight. You mean everything to me.”
Her eyes soften, and for a moment, I see a flicker of vulnerability beneath the façade of strength she wears so well.
“Bastian…” Her voice trails off, and I can sense the unspoken words lingering between us.
Without another word, I close the distance between us, wrapping her in a gentle embrace. I want nothing more than to show her how much she means to me, to reassure her that I’ll always be there for her, no matter what, but the words stick on my tongue.