Page 12 of Reckless Love
She groaned. “I’m happy to see you, but you know I don't approve of you displaying your body like that for the whole world to see.”
“I know, but it's so fun to be on the team. And it's not like I dress that way all the time, right?” I hugged my dad and his expression made me tense.
“I don't know what possessed you to do this, but I guess you're going through your wild phase, right? It had to happen sometime?” He frowned and patted my shoulders when we pulled apart. “I guess it’s been going on longer than we knew, right?”
“If cheerleading for my school team is a wild phase, then I guess I’m in the thick of it,” I said, lifting my shoulders.
I hated any kind of tension with my parents, but I didn't know what else to do. It wasn’t like I could hide this from them. I hid plenty of things when I lived at home—how far things got with Tristan being a huge one, all while being thoroughly covered in public, I might add. I thought college could be a time when I didn't have to hide things anymore, but the way they were acting made me wish I had kept the fact that I was a cheerleader to myself.
I heard my name being called and turned to see Rhodes walking toward me with the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I recognized his mom, Amara, from commercials and magazine covers, but seeing her in person was even more incredible. She wasstaggeringlybeautiful. Her skin was adeeper brown than Rhodes’, and her full, shoulder-length corkscrew curls were magnificent. Her cream cashmere sweater with matching pants were elegant and understated, yet on her, it looked like aVoguephoto spread.
Rhodes walked up to us and grinned, hugging me quickly before acknowledging my parents. Every time he hugged me or even brushed his finger against mine, I reminded myself of our pact…because touching Rhodes affected me way too much.
I couldfeelmy parents practically holding their breath as they watched the whole interaction.
“I’m Rhodes Archer,” he said, holding his hand out to my dad and then my mom. “I've been really excited for all of us to meet.” He sounded more energetic than his typical laidback tone, and I wondered briefly if he was nervous.
His mom held out her hand to me and smiled. “I’m Amara, Rhodes’ mother, and Elle, you are as beautiful as he described you. It's wonderful to meet you.” Her South African accent sounded like music, and the things she was saying!—I couldn’t believe she was so nice.
“Oh my goodness. I can't believe I'm meeting you. You're even more gorgeous than I imagined,” I gushed.
She thanked me quietly and introduced herself to my parents, who thankfully, were back to being their charismatic, friendly selves. Once the introductions were made, there was an awkward lull.
“We talked about going out to eat. Does that still work for everyone?” I asked.
I was completely thrown when my dad said, “Unfortunately, we have to get to the airport.”
“What? You can’t hang out for a while?”
“Our flight is leaving earlier than I thought,” he said. “Next time we'll stay longer. We just wanted to be here forfamily weekend and get the hugs we've been missing so much.”
“You're really leaving right now?” I said, still shocked.
“You know I have to be back tonight to be ready for church in the morning,” he said. “I hope you’ll be attending your new church tomorrow too?”
“I’m still looking for a place,” I told him.
It was true. I knew my parents wouldn’t rest until I found a church, but I had yet to find one where I felt comfortable.
“You’ll find the right one. Take care of yourself, okay? Stay out of trouble.” He held my arms and looked at me firmly.
I nodded. “I will. You know me.”
Everyone laughed and said their goodbyes. We watched as they walked away.
“That's too bad,” Rhodes’ mom said. “But we still get to keep you, right?” She looped her arm through mine.
“Yes, please…if you don't mind me tagging along.”
“We’re happy to see our boy, but we really came to see you,” she said.
My eyes widened.So this is where Rhodes got his charm, I thought.
She leaned in and whispered, “We have a little surprise…if we can keep it under wraps. Rhodes’ dad really wants to meet you too. Shall we head to the restaurant? He’s waiting there.”
“Oh my God,” I whispered. “I’m meeting Troy Archer tonight too?”
She laughed. “Yes, and he’s going to love you,” she said.