Page 36 of Reckless Love
She puts her hand on his cheek. “Not anymore. I’m so excited to be here. Are we ready to put your tree up?”
He nods tentatively, like he still isn’t sure if she’s okay, and she hugs him.
“I’m okay. I just had to get a little cry out, like that time you were sad when we couldn’t go to Pet Galaxy.”
“You want to go to Pet Galaxy?” he asks.
We all laugh.
“Not tonight, but that does sound fun,” she says.
“I made a batch of my South African eggnog just for you, Elle,” my mom says.
That perks her up.
“That’s exactly what I need,” she cries. “I’ve been craving that since last Christmas.” She looks at me and points. “Just don’t let me have a second cup, no matter what.”
I chuckle and nod when her gaze intensifies. “Okay, I won’t. But you can be hard to reason with when you’ve had Mama’s eggnog.”
“It’s the amarula,” Mama says proudly. “I like it heavy on the amarula.”
“We know.” I laugh. “Your eggnog is dangerous.”
Several hours later,my house has transformed, and so has Elle. Any sign of sadness is gone and she’s animated as she slides around the hardwood floor in her socks with Levi. We’ve all worked hard andthe house is so much cozier with all the holiday spirit. The clock in the living room chimes and Elle turns to face me a little too fast. I reach out to ensure she doesn’t run into the tree. She’s only had one glass of my mom’s eggnog, but it was a large glass and this batch was extra strong.
“I had no idea it was so late. Oh my goodness. I need to get home.” She slaps her hand over her mouth. “I cannot drive. What—” She laughs when Levi runs into her and puts his arms around her legs. “You’re up so late!”
“It’s a party,” I say. “And I can’t deprive him of seeing you.”
Her lower lip pokes out and wobbles. “I love him so much.”
“I know you do, love. He loves you too. Don’t you, Levi?” I bend down and pick Levi up as he’s nodding. “Give Elle kisses and then Gigi said she’d read you a bedtime story,” I tell him.
He leans over and kisses Elle, a loud smack on the lips, and then she kisses all over his face, making him crack up.
“Night-night, little man. Sweet dreams. Love you.”
“Luh you,” he says back.
I hand him to my mom and give Levi a kiss too. “Love you, son.”
“Luh you, Daddy.”
Never fails to make my heart melt when he says those words.
When my mom takes Levi up to his room, I look at Elle. “I texted my guards earlier. I’ll drive you home and Bobby will follow in my SUV.”
“Thank you. I should’ve thought of that before I had Gigi’s eggnog. I’m gonna be feeling it at practice tomorrow.”
I make a face. “Yeah, I bet you will.”
“Ignorethe mess in my car. I've been going like crazy. My car is overdue for a cleaning, as you can tell,” she says, putting a pile of papers in the backseat.
“I haven’t been around enough to do my job.” I give her a cocky grin.
I’ve been taking care of her car for a long time now.
“No one takes care of me like you. I’ve missed that,” she admits, laughing.