Page 57 of Reckless Love
He swallows and slowly lowers the spoon.
“I’ll grab the bowls,” he says.
“I can do that. And I’ll get the ice. Do you want anything besides water?”
“Water’s good.”
I set napkins, spoons, and glasses of iced water on the large bar where we eat more often than the table, and take the bowls to the stove. He fills our bowls and I thank him and take both to the bar.
“I made the call. Brock will be paid a visit soon.” I frown. “I guess I could’ve called Lisa about it…” I frown. “Actually, I probably will need to tell her about it, won’t I?”
“I think you should. Just leave out that you’re staying here now…obviously.”
“I’m feeling like such a liar these days. I don’t like it.”
“You haven’t ever lied about being close to me.”
“Yeah, but disobeying the rules so blatantly…it just doesn’t sit right with me. And yet, I’m not going to stop seeing you and Levi.” I look at him. “Tried that and hated it more.”
His dimples sink in and I have to look away again.
“Sometimes I feel like growing up with such strict rules that I didn’t always agree with created a liar.” I take another taste of the soup and nearly moan again.
“What do you mean?”
“I acted like I was working on the newspaper at school when I was really dancing…”
“Didn’t you also work on the newspaper?”
“Yes, but…way less than my parents thought.”
“But you tried to get their permission to dance and be on the cheerleading team, right?”
“A little bit. I didn’t push it though, because I knew they wouldn’t change their minds. So I found ways to still do what I wanted to do.”
“Part of that is just being a teenager. My little rebel.” He nudges me, laughing.
“Except here I am, still sneaking around.” I laugh, but it’s bittersweet.
I’d love it if I could be exactly who I am and know there would not be huge repercussions.
My fist hits the granite. “Dammit. You know what I forgot? My dress for the Winter Ball.”
“When is that again, Friday?”
“I’ll get it. I can ask the guys to go with me and we can clear your place out if you want.”
I think of my office and my cheeks heat. Yeah, I’m a liar all right.
“Oh, that’s okay. I can go. I can even ask the girls to go with me.”
“I don’t want you going over there without me. Please, Elle. I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself, but I don’t trust that guy.”
“Okay, we can go together…and the guys too if they’re available.”
I’ll just have to work on the office while they’re working on everything else. Oh, God. This is going to be a disaster. And how do I expect to keep this secret from Rhodes when I’m living in his house?