Page 82 of Reckless Love
Rhodes grins good-naturedly. I don’t think he has any idea that he just picked up smut.
My smut.
Our smut.
Book Rhodes is pretty damn great, but real-life Rhodes puts him to shame.
But oh, the sex scenes I could write now that I’ve experienced the real thing. I laugh and fan my face when everyone looks at me.
“It’s toasty in here,” I say.
“Mm-hmm,” Calista says, seeing right through me.
“You look exceptionally beautiful tonight,” Rhodes says, staring at me.
We're probably four feet away from each other, but he says it like we're in a room alone.
“We've been telling her that all night,” Sadie says.
Tru runs her hand down my arm, smiling. “My mom even said it looks like she's got a whole new skincare regimen.”
“And that I might have to take up sex,” Stephanie says under her breath.
The girls and I laugh way harder than we should, while Rhodes’ brow crinkles up.
“What did I miss?” he asks.
I try to wipe the goofy grin off my face, but it’s impossible. Calista hands Rhodes the bag and he thanks her.
“Ready to go?” he asks Levi.
Levi looks up at me and I lean down and whisper, “I’ll come read one of your new books to you, okay? Help your dad get home and I’ll be there soon.”
He nods excitedly and runs over to Rhodes, taking his hand.
“Well, that was easy. Whatever you said worked miracles,” Rhodes says to me.
Several customers walk to the counter and recognize Rhodes. He signs a few autographs and sends me a look that sends a fire blazing through me before he walks out the door.
“Elle, if you don’t get home to that man immediately, you have way more willpower than me,” Sadie says. “Just seeing the way he looked at you makes me want to go jump Weston.” She looks at Calista. “After hanging out here, of course.”
Calista waves her off.
Tru fans her face. “Same. Henley is so getting some tonight.” She covers her face. “Sorry, Mom. I forgot myself for a minute there.”
“Honey, no one could be happier than I am that you’ve got a man like Henley,” Stephanie tells her daughter. “And this feels like a good time to add that I wouldn’t mind having a grandbaby around.”
Tru chokes on her wine.
Calista motions for the next customer to come forward. “Hey there! Welcome to Twinkle Tales.”
“Thank you! I love it here!” She’s a cute blonde, and when she sees us all standing there, she does a double take. “Oh wow, hi.” She lifts her hand in a wave. “Sorry, I’m totally fangirling. Big Mustangs fan.” She points at me. “So envious of your dance moves.” And then she smiles at Sadie. “Team Baggy Clothes, all the way. The press was so wrong and so rude to you.” She lifts her eyebrows. “You’ve shown them. And I love the way you dress, whether it’s for comfort or this cute outfit you’ve got going on.”
“Well, you have made my night,” Sadie says. “What’s your name? I’m Sadie.”
“I’m Poppy,” she says, grinning. “Fairly new to Silver Hills, and I’ve been dying to come into this shop.”
We all introduce ourselves and chat for a few minutes. Poppy is adorable.