Page 9 of Reckless Love
Sadie’s head tilts. “Is Rhodes okay with that?”
“I…don’t know,” I say finally.
“What’s going on there? The two of you were very icy at the recital,” Tru says.
Calista looks at me and nods, her eyebrows raised high. “Mm-hmm. I’ve been wanting to ask that very same question.”
“Let’s just say we crossed some boundaries we put in place way back when we first became friends.”
“You hadsex?” Sadiewhisper-shouts.
“No.” I look around to see if anyone heard her, and the coast is clear. “But we?—”
Our drinks are brought out and when they look at me expectantly after our waitress leaves, I lean in.
“We got a little too close for comfort and it’s never happening again.”
“What? Why?” Sadie pouts.
“You’re so close. I love the thought of you and Rhodes together,” Tru says.
“You and me both, honey,” Calista adds.
“Why can’t…whatever happened…not happen again?” Tru asks.
The food comes then and I think I’m saved from answering, but no. They want all the gritty details.
“We made a pact to never let anyone or anything get in the way of our friendship, including ourselves.”
Well, at leastoneof us was determined to stick to the pact the last time I checked.
A few dayslater when we get in the car and Levi asks about Elle, I skip the park plan and drive to Elle’s house. We worked our asses off at practice this week, but now I have the afternoon off, and I can’t leave things hanging with Elle like this foranother second.
I park in her driveway and get Levi out of his car seat, carrying him to her front door so he doesn’t get tempted to explore. Elle’s eyes widen when she opens the door and sees us.
“Elle!” Levi cries.
“Hi!” She yanks me in the door, as she frantically scans outside.
“Did anyone see you?” she asks, shutting the door.
I was hoping I’d exaggerated the weirdness between us in my head, but it’s still off as all hell. With me. With Levi, she beams when he holds out his arms for her to take him. Once she’s holding him, he lays his head on her shoulder and her eyes close as if she’s soaking it in.
When she looks at me, I realize she’s still waiting for me to answer.
“No, no one saw me.”
“Don’t be so sure of yourself. Brock, next door, is watching my every move and he would love nothing more than to pal up to the Mustangs’ tight end.”
My face curls up in annoyance just hearing her neighbor’s name. The dude kept coming over when I was trying to move Elle in and could barely keep his eyeballs in his head for staring at Elle’s ass.