Page 18 of Quarantined with the Billionaire
I wished I could be excited at this point, but all the wind was out of my sails. I returned to my desk, taking a drink of water, wishing I could have a good cry now—but that would have to wait until later. Poor Elise. She would be expecting a fun story and instead she would have to help me stop sobbing.
I managed to make the other calls, this time talking both people into virtual appointments later in the week. Despite what Mr. Steel had initially said he wanted, I understood now what he actually preferred, no matter what he said. The Zoom appointments took a little longer to schedule, because I had to set up the meetings and email both parties the link while also placing it on Mr. Steel’s calendar, but I hoped he’d be pleased at what I’d done.
I considered going to Mr. Steel’s office to let him know I was finished but thought twice about it. The less attention I drew to myself, the better. So I spent a few moments double-checking my work, wanting to avoid any other unpleasant emotions from my temporary boss.
Soon, though, he entered the room. “Ready?”
More than. “Yes. Um, Simon took my coat and put it somewhere.”
Mr. Steel nodded, a slight smile on his face. “Good old Simon. Be right back.”
Grabbing my purse, I walked to the space I considered a family room, the first place I’d stepped inside Mr. Steel’s home, and waited patiently. I stood over by the bar, looking at some of the bottles along the wall, but none of the drinks were familiar.
It really was like I was on another place on the planet. Visiting here for the day had been, at best, amusing, but my emotions now were wrought, and I just wanted to be somewhere safe. As stifling as my little studio apartment might feel now, at least it was a place where I’d feel secure.
“That didn’t take any time. The bright blue stood out in the closet like a sore thumb.” Mr. Steel strode through the room, holding out my coat. I got ready to put it on myself until I realized he was holding it so that he could help me put it on.
Something else that felt strange.
But I set my purse on the bar and let him slide the coat onto my arms, and the sensation of his strong hands on my shoulders did not go unnoticed.
Also unusual—but not unwelcome. And had I not still been smarting from his earlier tongue lashing, I might have appreciated it more.
Holding the door open for me, he said, “I think the fragrance on your coat will linger in my closet for some time as well. What was that scent? It reminded me of cloves.”
The grin on my face was genuine even if remaining cautious. “That’s what it is. It’s just essential oil. One of my coworkers in Customer Service is kind of sensitive to a lot of scents, so I quit wearing traditional fragrances.”
“That’s too bad. Engaging all the senses is good for the soul.”
“I don’t disagree—but essential oils can fit the bill,” I said, now standing outside, breathing in the cool fresh air.
“I suppose they can. But sometimes there’s nothing like a mingling of exotic scents to stimulate the palate.”
What did that even mean? “I guess so.” Pausing, I let him lead the way to the garage, disliking the feel of his eyes on me. I now felt like I was under scrutiny, as though whatever I did would never be good enough.
He held the garage door for me, unable to help himself from being a gentleman—and, even though I’d vehemently insisted over the years that I didn’t need a man, part of me really liked that kind of attention.
Was I forgetting that I was upset with him?
The lights in the garage flooded the vast space. Simon had parked outside the garage rather than inside, so I didn’t know until then that Mr. Steel had three vehicles under that roof. The silver Lexus I’d ridden in earlier today wasn’t here, but the car Mr. Steel was walking toward was cherry red. A sports car.
I’d love to drive it.
I wasn’t sure what type of car it was, and I wasn’t about to ask. I knew he’d mentioned it earlier, but I couldn’t pull it out of my brain. I could tell it was a convertible and it looked brand new. Mr. Steel opened the passenger door for me and I got in, wishing I’d had my phone handy so I could send Elise a picture of the car, too, but my phone was buried in my purse.
Maybe when he sped away after dropping me off at my apartment.
But I was mad at him.
So I cemented a serious look on my face as he walked around the car and got in the driver’s side.
It was hard not to notice how hot he looked in the black leather jacket and jeans he wore, and the fact that my mind kept going there only made me angrier.
With him.