Page 40 of Quarantined with the Billionaire
After I finished making the bed, I tiptoed across the room toward the bathroom door. It was open, but I still strained to hear if, perhaps, he was in the walk-in closet area.
He wasn’t.
I determined then that he was likely at breakfast. The clock next to the bed said it was just a few minutes past eight, so it was pretty early for a Saturday—for yours truly, at any rate. But Maddox seemed like the kind of man who got up at the crack of dawn, no matter what day or time of year.
I felt chilled, so I stopped by my room to put on a robe and slippers before making my way downstairs. The kitchen was empty, but I smelled coffee. Crossing the room, I found the coffeepot on the counter half full and opened cabinets until I found the mugs. Once I had my drink, I made my way to the breakfast nook, but he wasn’t there, either. And he wasn’t in the sitting room, on the deck, or even in his office.
Maybe he was gone.
I decided then that it was a good time to read while I drank my coffee. Because Maddox was pretty damned fond of that collection of books in his man cave, I’d have to check them out. So, large mug of steamy coffee in hand, I made my way through the house until I was walking down the stairs that led to the bottom floor. Once I got there, I turned to the left to head toward the den but, as I walked past the workout room (it wasn’t big enough for me to think of it as a gym), I heard music.
Not just any music. Hip hop. Specifically, rap.
It wasn’t anything I recognized, but there was a lot of cursing, making me want to peek in to get a glimpse of Maddox’s workout routine. Hell, I wanted to tease him about the music. But it just emphasized how truly little I knew about the man, how much I needed to learn.
It was time to get to know him better through his book choices. I felt a little odd walking in the den, but he’d told me more than once that it was okay, that I could borrow books from there any time I wanted to. In fact, he encouraged it.
And there were so many books in there. I spent a lot of time looking on shelf after shelf—so much time that my mug was half empty, the coffee cooling by the time I finally settled on the hardback version of a book I’d been meaning to read for a very long time: The Girl on the Train. I made a mental note of where it belonged and then left the room, switching off the light behind me.
But I couldn’t not go in the gym now, especially when I heard Maddox shouting some lyrics. How could I resist?
Pushing the door open, I walked into the room. Maddox was facing the mirrors, lifting free weights, making his biceps bulge. Even though I’d been around him for almost an entire week and had curled up next to him last night, I hadn’t quite realized till just this moment how ripped he was.
Maybe it was because he was working those muscles at the moment.
The music was louder in here but the air was cooler, and I considered leaving, feeling like I was intruding on his personal time, but he spotted me in the mirror as I turned. “Bailey, come on in.”
I looked at him through the reflection, forcing a smile. I hadn’t even put on makeup this morning or washed my face. What a dummy. I knew I’d have the old stuff on which, in my opinion, was better than nothing, but I doubted I looked okay.
Why the hell had I come in here?
“I’d invite you to step on the treadmill, but it looks like your hands are full.”
Nodding, I forced a smile and walked in enough that the door closed behind me. Raising my voice, I said, “You’re being kind of noisy in here. I just wanted to ask you to keep it down.”
“Oh, really?” Even joking, the raised eyebrow sent a chill down my spine—but I still remembered how warm and comforting his arms had felt last night. “I thought everybody felt more inspired and motivated to finish a set when they shout the F word as loud as they can.” He began lifting the weight in his left hand again, causing the bicep to bulge once more.
“That’s a great way to get booted out of a gym.”
“That’s why I own my own.” He started lifting with his other arm. “So you took me up on the offer, I see. What book are you reading?”
“Well, I decided to start with this.” Adjusting my coffee cup, I held it up so he could see the front cover. “The Girl on the Train. I’ve been meaning to read it for a while.”
What was the look on his face? I couldn’t figure it out, but he didn’t seem pleased with my choice. “I haven’t read that one yet.”
If his mood had remained light, I would have asked him why a book he hadn’t read was in his precious den, but I suspected I shouldn’t go there. “I’ll let you know if it’s worth it. Anyway…I’ll let you get back to your workout. Sorry to interrupt.”
“I challenge you to join me tomorrow.”
I gave him a quick smile as I opened the door. “I just might.” I’d never been one for formal exercise. Since moving downtown when I got the job with Essential, I’d walked everywhere, only using my clunker car when I had to visit my mom or go somewhere farther than a couple of miles, and I usually took the stairs in my apartment building. So I got in plenty of steps—and, when I went grocery shopping, I worked my arm muscles.
But working out with Maddox? That might be fun—simply watching him would be a delight.
And I hadn’t gotten in my steps since working at home, so I probably needed it.
For now, though, I was going to sit in the breakfast nook, happy to enjoy the sun shining in while it melted the new blanket of snow outside, and I’d sip coffee, reading an engaging book.
I topped off my mug before wandering into the nook and then sat so I was facing the windows. While the sun would have felt nice on my back, it would have been too bright on the pages. I took a sip of coffee and then set the mug on the table so I could crack the book open. I’d heard so much about this book over the years, but I’d never seen the movie. I only knew it had a heck of a twist, and I was eager to dig in.