Page 62 of Quarantined with the Billionaire
He began undoing the silk bowtie at the top of his shirt. Suddenly, I couldn’t wait. I rushed forward, pulling his jacket down until he let me take it off his arms the rest of the way. It joined the dress as I began tackling buttons on the shirt. Maddox pulled off the cummerbund before sliding his shirt out from under his pants.
Holy crap. His erection was undeniable.
I rammed my mouth into his as we worked at his buttons, and I could feel him trying to ease his shoes off but he was giving me too much attention. Giggling, I undid the last button and then backed up until I fell on his bed, ready for him to take all of me. Unfettered, he pulled his shoes and socks off before yanking down the pants and his underwear. Before tonight, I would have argued that a tuxedo didn’t do anything for the way I felt about a man—but he’d looked so damned gorgeous in those clothes.
A wicked grin flashed across his face and I would have sworn I could see the flickering flames in the pupils of his eyes as he walked over to the bed. Leaning over me, he planted a hard kiss on my lips as I tried to restrain myself. His hard-on brushed against my leg and I wanted nothing more than to line my body up with his and start grinding.
Maddox had different plans.
He drew a line down my body with his tongue, dashing between my breasts to my navel, all while his hands cupped my ass, dragging me down on the bed. My ass almost hung over the side as Maddox got to his knees, tonguing my inner thigh.
My pussy clenched at the nearness of his mouth.
I could feel his breath against the sensitive flesh there as he took my thighs into his hands, spreading me farther apart. Soon, he touched me with his tongue, painting another line down my slit, running it over my swollen clitoris. The gasp I let out filled the room, drowning out the soft sounds of classical music wafting in from outside the doorway. It took everything I had inside me to not start mashing myself against his loving face as he lapped delicately at my womanhood.
Moans began issuing from my throat, but I wasn’t near orgasm yet. In fact, I was wound as tight as an old-fashioned watch ticking down the time until my alarm would sound. I stabbed my fingers inside his hair, forcing myself to not yank on it impatiently. My other hand fisted the comforter, as if I needed to hold on for the ride. Each delicious stroke he imparted got me closer to the top, wound me more tightly, preparing me for that exquisite release.
Gulping down air, my breath began to hitch in my throat, all while his name came out of my mouth in a whisper. I tilted my pelvis without thought and his tongue hit me at a whole new angle. Moaning again, I felt the tightening string give way to a release of pleasure, like a dam breaking, sending rockets out of the atmosphere once more. After that, each stroke of his tongue rattled me to the core, making me feel like I was heading to an early grave.
Not that I cared.
As he delivered the final lash, I shivered, feeling drained, overly warm, and loved. Maddox climbed up on the bed next to me, drawing a pattern on my belly with his finger. “Please tell me I’m not going to have to force you to make love to me this time, Maddox.”
“No,” he said. Even though my eyes weren’t open, I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m just waiting till you’re ready.”
“Are you kidding? I’m ready now.”
“You’re sure?”
I hadn’t had much luck with partners in the past, but I did know that when they went down on me and brought me to orgasm, if they followed it up immediately with their dicks, I could often come again.
Only Maddox didn’t have a mere dick. He had an experienced cock that already knew its way around me. Taking a condom out of the drawer on his nightstand, he rolled it on and then slid me up the bed some before positioning himself over me. Tilting my body once more, I met him with full force, groaning aloud at the amazing friction between us. His cock throbbed inside the walls of my pussy as he ground his length inside me, retightening my string while bringing himself to the brink.
I continued matching his rhythm, not once marveling that his full force wasn’t hurting me like he’d threatened just the night before.
Instead, a song swam through my head, telling me I had fallen all the way—and as we climaxed in unison and he opened his eyes to look at me for a quiet second before dropping his head to the bed, I was pretty sure he was telling me the same thing.