Page 57 of In a Haze
“It won’t work without a badge.”
“Just let me try, okay?”
I can’t trust him anymore, so I need to test everything myself.
When the elevatordings, the doors slide open and I step on. Reluctantly, Joe joins me. I push the button markedGas the doors slide closed and wait. While I can’t actually even remember riding on an elevator, I do remember how they work, and I expect it, at any second now, to lurch or glide down.
But it doesn’t.
I punch the button again when Joe says, “I tried to tell you, Anna. You don’t have a badge.”
“Fine,” I say, pressing the button that will open the doors and, as soon as they do, I’m marching out straight over to the door to the stairs. Joe is right behind me. As I open the door, the way its creaks echo in that room gives me pause. But I all but jump inside.
This room is fairly well lit and the stairs go both up and down. I already know I’m heading down but, before I do, Joe says, “Wait, Anna.” I turn and see he’s holding the door. “Look.” There’s a card reader there just like the one that was in the elevator by the buttons.
“I don’t care, Joe. I’m not going back until I have answers.” I know that we’re doomed if we wind up stuck in the stairwell, but maybe the stairs going up lead to the roof and then who knows what we’ll find? But I’m going to try going down first.
He mutters something affirmative and runs to catch up with me as I’ve already started heading down the stairs. We’re already turning to go down another stretch by the time we hear the door above us slam closed, followed by a click.
The next landing has a sign—a big number2next to a card reader—but I keep going down. When we get to the first floor, markedG, I almost want to laugh, because there’s no card reader on it. As I start to open the door, Joe’s hand on my wrist makes me pause.
“Anna, I guarantee there are guards out there and maybe even more doors with locks. Let’s keep going down.”
“And how is going to a basement going to help me get out of here?”
“Not a basement. A parking garage.”
How does he know this? While I’m dubious, I have to agree that he’s probably right about one thing—entering the first floor could be dangerous. “Okay, let’s go.”
These stairs seem steeper and go farther down before turning, but I keep going. Finally, we reach another metal door. This one doesn’t require a card, either. I consider asking Joe what he thinks and change my mind. If there’s a guard down here, too, then we’re doomed anyway. I have to try.
But Joe simply follows. The parking garage has lights everywhere but it still seems dim. There aren’t many cars in the spaces, either. I notice that the floor slopes, so I decide to walk up.
Joe says, “Hey, see those vans over there?”
They are a little up the slope, but I’d have to be blind to miss spotting them. “Yes.”
“Those belong to the center.”
“Okay, so what’s your point?”
“There might be keys in one of them or maybe even a badge—unless you really feel like walking all the way to your house.”
Truth be told, I don’t even know where my house is. I don’t know wherethisplace is. I just need to get out. I feel like once I’m out of here, I’ll be able to think straight. So I nod and follow Joe.
The first van we reach, Joe tugs on the passenger side door, and it’s locked. We walk around to the other side and he opens it. Peeking his head inside, he says, “Pay dirt.”
“Yeah. That was too easy.” He pushes a button on the door to unlock the passenger side door. “You wanna drive?”
Do I even know how? “No,” I say, running around the van and jumping in just as Joe shuts his door. He turns the keys and the engine starts purring. As I watch him switch on the lights and then reverse the van, I’m glad I’m letting him do this. I’m afraid I wouldn’t have a clue.
Suddenly, he hits the brakes. “Buckle up.”
I remember how to do it, so I pull down the seatbelt and fasten it while he does the same. Then he puts the van in drive and begins heading up the slope. He has to turn a corner and then, up ahead, there’s a huge garage door.