Page 12 of Clan and Command
Yet he thought it was something Lidon would have said. The realization made emotions bubble up. Piras swallowed the sensation that he was choking on something. “I have never understood the way your breed thinks. I don’t think I want to.”
“Mull the mission over. Look over potential targets, and see if there isn’t one that doesn’t hurt your feelings for us to lose while making the Basma happy. We have a few of days to sort this out.”
Piras shook his head violently. “It’s madness. Sheer madness.”
“How else would you describe war? But for now, let’s forget the Empire’s problems. I’m fed, I’m at my limit for alcohol consumption, and I’m ready to fuck. Where are we having sex?”
Piras stared at Kila. The bald statement took him by surprise, especially considering that they’d just been discussing killing their fellow Kalquorians. Yet the hot, knowing gaze the Nobek skewered him with made him shake inside, and not with anger.
He did his best not to show how the abrupt change in conversation affected him. He tried to take refuge in the Dramok nature that came so readily when sex was not in play.
He folded his arms over his chest. “I would have thought after our last encounter, sex would be the last thing you’d want from me.”
“So the submission wasn’t faked? Not an attempt to warn me off?”
“No. It was not.”
“How interesting.” Kila looked him up and down, assessing. “A man who stops at nothing to assert his control everywhere else, but gives it up when he wants to fuck.”
Piras refused to drop his gaze. “I have my preferences like any person.”I have nothing to be ashamed of.
Kila came closer until he stood bare inches from Piras. The Dramok was tall, but Kila had a slight height advantage. And far more bulk. Piras tried not to remember how Kila’s weight had felt on top of him.
The Nobek’s voice was soft with wonder. His tone held no hint of insult. “You have to admit, those are uncommon preferences for a member of your breed. Not that I mind being in control, as you undoubtedly noticed. I’ve never come so hard as I did with you.”
Piras’s heart rate picked up. Once Kila had recovered from the initial confusion over his refusal to fight for dominance during their encounter, the Nobek had turned into the exacting, dominating lover Piras craved.
And he admitted he had enjoyed it.
Scarcely daring to hope, Piras said, “I do not apologize for what is in my nature. I am who I am. I like what I like. I’m not changing that to make anyone else happy.”
“That’s all there is to it? No self-examination? No wondering why it feels good to give yourself up to another?” Kila’s gaze was hot, demanding.
“Why do you care?”
“Because if I’m going to fuck you…and I have every intention of doing so, and as often as possible…I want to be sure there’s nothing beyond you simply being born submissive. No baggage we can’t work through.”
Piras’s eyes narrowed. “You talk like you’re looking for more than a fling.”
Kila grinned. “You’ll be on my ship for a long time with this mission. We might as well lay down the ground rules ahead of it.”
“Such as?”
“You get to be admiral outside my sleeping room, but you’ll be my sweet fuck boy when those doors close.”
Piras scowled. “You’d better believe I’m in charge when sex isn’t involved. You’ll be a very sorry bastard if you challenge me, Kila.”
“As you’ll be when I have you in my bed. Make no mistake about that.”
Piras knew he should be seething. Kila was too self-assured about being in control over him. If they’d been discussing anything besides sex, Piras would be putting him in his place right that moment. However, they were in the realm where his indomitable will crumbled. It was far too easy to make himself vulnerable to this Nobek. To share his secret.
“You need to know exactly how I am. Where my head is at.”
“I want to know. Spare no details. Don’t make me guess.”
“My personality means I am always in control. When it comes to the fleet or life decisions, I must grab hold of the reins and direct everything. I am driven to guide matters to the best solution as I see it. To not just provide direction but lead the charge.”
“The typical Dramok mindset.”