Page 24 of Clan and Command
Piras moaned as Kila pumped him up and down. The humiliation of impaling himself on the pump, of having the awful thing in his ass, disappeared in that hot, rough grip. The Dramok’s mind crumbled into dust as ecstasy surged in that powerful grasp. The only thing that existed was Kila’s hand.
When searing pain painted a lava stripe across his buttocks, Piras at first failed to react to it. The hand working his cock felt too good. But as the burning sank deep into flesh, he yipped a high-pitched cry that would have embarrassed him any other time. He twisted to see what the hell had happened.
Kila had happened, of course. He leered that smirky grin of his as he stared down at Piras. The hand not engaged with the Dramok’s cock held a thick black rubber strap.
“Take it, bad boy,” he chuckled. “Take your punishment.”
Piras groaned. The strap was nasty enough. Wielded by the muscled Nobek, it was going to be a brutal slice of hell. One he had to accept, or Kila might decide to leave after all.
Kila swung. A scorching wallop blistered Piras’s ass, right under the first strike. He howled but held still for the next stroke. And the next. And the next. All the while, Kila kept masturbating Piras. The hurt and pleasure worked in tandem to confuse the Dramok’s senses. His cries came from ecstasy and misery. After half a dozen smacks, he was no longer sure which was which. The mingled heat from strap and hand got confused. His cocks throbbed in time with the hiding until that felt as good as being handled.
“I do love to see a pretty ass take a good thrashing,” Kila said during a pause, his tone delighted. “We’re not done, either. I want to see you back into that pump, boy. Take that dildo all the way in.”
The spanking continued. Unable to think of anything but pleasing the man delivering it, Piras scooted back, impaling himself on the dildo. Now it felt good, feeling that rigid weight enter his body. It rubbed the sensitive part within him, and his cocks jerked in reaction.
“That’s it,” droned the deep voice that made him shiver. “Nothing to do but feel. No need to think. No need to worry.”
The words were so much noise to Piras. Everything was thrilling torment. The burn of the rubber strap striping his flesh. The pull of the calloused-rasped hand on his throbbing primary cock. The friction of the exciting, thickening length he drove his ass against. He wanted to escape. He wanted more.
Yet he’d come to the end of the dildo. There was no more to take in. Piras ground his teeth in frustration. He needed more. Much more. He needed the sweet sensation against his cumspot inside, the feeling of that heaviness rubbing over it.
He surged forward, almost emptying his ass of the length. He gasped with bliss. The dildo stroked deliciously across that hot, gnawing need. At the same time, his cock was enfolded by Kila’s tight grip. He slammed himself back onto the dildo, making the Nobek stroke him again. Elation roiled through him. This was right. This was good.
“You like that machine well enough now, don’t you?” came a chuckle. More nonsense words. Piras kept moving back and forth, rapture tumbling through his cocks, through the part of his groin between them.
He was barely aware that the spanking had ended. Only when Kila grabbed him by the back of his neck, forcing him to be still, did Piras regain any sense of who he was with or what he was doing. Even then he struggled to move, desperate to chase that overwhelming excitement.
“Enough,” Kila growled in his ear.
Hearing that animal voice flipped a switch. Piras heard his master and knew he must obey. Though his body raged to be denied a race to climax, he submitted. He froze and waited to discover if he was in more trouble than ever.
“Better.” There was amusement, not anger in the tone. “Now stay exactly as you are.”
The hand holding him by the nape shifted, but maintained its controlling grip. It was the hand on his cock that disappeared. Piras bit back a whimper of loss. Not able to move against the pump, Kila no longer rubbing him with that delightful grasp—
There was a low hum. The dildo, most of which had ended up outside his twitching passage, surged in again. A glad cry of welcome erupted from his lips as it worked in and out of him, massaging his prostate with exciting friction.
“That’s it,” Kila said, sounding pleased. “I’m watching it fuck you, pretty boy. In and out of that tight hole. I’m watching you take it for my enjoyment.”
Imagining the Nobek staring at the pump thrusting into him was unbearably exciting to Piras. Being humbled in such a way was more enthralling than he’d imagined was possible. The thought was every bit as delicious as feeling the deep strokes of the pump. When Kila’s hard hand massaged his sore ass, bringing new, enthralling pain, Piras’s larger cock spat several drops of cum.
“Fuck. It looks too damned good.” Kila grunted. “I need my main prick in something warm.”
His grip shifted again. Before Piras could understand what was happening, he found his face enclosed by rough-skinned palms, being lifted to stare at Kila’s veined cocks in front of him.
The Nobek knelt before him, his uniform’s crotch pulled wide open at the seams. The released shafts were thick, the rear one slightly smaller and bobbing to tap the underside of its larger twin. The tapered lengths were slick with Kila’s natural lubricant, the aroma a sharp bite to his nostrils. His mouth watered in anticipation.
Expectancy wasn’t forced to last long. Piras opened his mouth, not needing the order to do so. Holding his head steady, Kila thrust. The fevered tip of his main cock slid over Piras’s tongue, and the other slick shaft slid beneath his chin.
While the pump rutted into him from behind, Kila used his mouth to their mutual satisfaction. His flavor was as strong as the man was, a heady, spicy savor that came close to stinging Piras’s tongue. His first few strokes were shallow, allowing Piras to revel in the flavor and feel of satiny skin over steely rigidity. Then he drove in deep, his cock entering the Dramok’s throat and holding there for a moment. Piras gagged around his girth, choking on the other man.
“Good boy,” Kila groaned and retreated to let Piras draw in a breath and swallow a spurt of pre-cum.
A few more shorter strokes followed by another deep thrust that made Piras choke. Over and over, Kila fucked his mouth that way. Each garbled cough as Piras struggled against the stifling blockage in his throat was rewarded with a gratifiedgood boyand a small squirt of pre-cum.
Ancestors, it was amazing to serve such a powerful, demanding man. Even Lidon had never indulged in a good throat fuck. Piras’s senses swirled with pleasure, not caring that tears ran from his eyes while he gasped for air around Kila’s cock.
“Ah shit,” Kila groaned at last. “I need to come in that gorgeous ass of yours. Get off that pump, boy. Lay on your back on the sleeping mat.”