Page 35 of Clan and Command
The cuff obeyed, zooming up vertically and turning Lokmi upside down in the air. The Imdiko yelled as he swung helpless, unable to escape. “You lousy shit! You told me no weapons!”
Kila sat on the floor, panting and grinning from ear to ear as he surveyed his flailing prize. “Technically speaking, a hover cuff is not a weapon, Chief. It’s a tool that aids in subduing resistance.”
Lokmi twisted to glare at Kila. His fangs were showing as he spat, “This is nothing but a cheat, and you know it.”
“You’ve got me there. But I’m the captain of this glorious vessel and you’re not. If I want, I get to break the rules I made in the first place.”
“Bastard! Asshole!”
“Right again on all counts. What can I say, Chief?” Kila shrugged. “I can’t help that you have a magnificent ass I can’t resist.”
“You could have ordered me over your desk. We didn’t have to go through this whole fight,” Lokmi snarled. He flexed his midsection, raising his torso so that he could grab the cuff and try to pull it off.
“Where’s the fun in that? Besides, if you had managed to take me down or avoid getting caught the way you are, I’d have conceded defeat. I gave you a chance. You should be thanking me.”
“Fuck you.” Lokmi’s attention remained riveted on fiddling with the cuff.
It was the first real mistake he’d made, and Kila took advantage. He had the Imdiko’s wrists cuffed before Lokmi knew what was happening. “Freeze subject. Cuffs respond to my verbal commands and my physical alterations alone.”
Now only one of Lokmi’s legs was capable of movement. He flailed, but Kila knew he’d soon remedy that situation as well. He twirled the last cuff around his finger, enjoying himself.
He grinned at the furiously cursing engineer. “You say ‘fuck you’, but the situation is definitely that you’re the man getting fucked. And since you’re enough Dramok to hate losing control, I’ll count it as the best possible punishment I could give you.”
Lokmi kept yelling, not hearing a word the captain said. Kila was the one startled by his bad choice of words.Enough Dramok to hate losing control. Such a statement would wound the Dramok whom Kila had set his sights on.
“I’ve got to get my mind straight on that score before I open my big mouth like that again,” he muttered as he captured Lokmi’s last free limb and slapped the cuff on it. “That beautiful man is a hell of a Dramok when sex isn’t the goal. And I don’t mind him not being the typical leader when we’re enjoying each other. In fact, I appreciate it.”
“What the fuck are you jabbering about?” Lokmi stopped yelling curses and scowled at him. He looked ridiculous hanging there, one leg flung at an awkward angle.
Kila snorted. “Yeah, when there are others around who challenge me, I can live with the one who won’t.” He smacked Lokmi’s ass with an open palm and grinned. “Isn’t that right, Chief?”
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, you cheating liar.”
Kila arranged Lokmi’s arms and legs so that they splayed apart, opening him to whatever the Nobek decided he wanted to do with this treasure. He grabbed Lokmi’s waistband and swept his trousers off. He gloated at the pair of still-erect cocks and muscular ass he would soon be enjoying. “I’m saying I’ll love fucking you senseless, you crazy dual-breed. A lot more than I should admit to.”
Lokmi’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. “Why?”
“Would you believe me if I told you I’m grateful that you disobeyed my orders? Just so I could fight and hopefully fuck you?” Kila shook his head. “No, I’d have to explain way too damned much to get you to understand.”
“I wish you’d explain something, because all you’re doing is confusing me.”
Kila rubbed his chin. He wasn’t about to expose Piras’s proclivities to Lokmi. It was far too private a matter. Yet he had too many questions and concerns when it came to Piras.
“From an Imdiko’s point of view,” he started, searching for the right words that would unlock enough understanding to gain an answer. “What would you do if you cared about someone who couldn’t give you the kind of relationship you were used to? Sexually, that is. I mean, the sex works, it really does. But it’s not what I’ve come to expect.”
Lokmi snorted. “If you’re talking about sex advice, you’re looking at the wrong man. Unless I can get with another Imdiko who doesn’t mind me going Dramok on him, I don’t fuck. I hate not having control.”
Kila looked at him for a long beat before bursting out with laughter. He roared until he had to sit down or have his legs go out from underneath him.
When he could speak again, he said, “The opposite ends of the spectrum. He’d probably love you too.”
“I think you’re certifiable, Captain. You keep making random statements that make no sense. You’ve lost your mind.”
“I most likely have.” Kila sighed and shook his head at the grouchy-looking chief. “All right, let’s get this going. Your ass isn’t going to fuck itself.”
He pulled Lokmi’s torn shirt off him before standing up. He ordered the cuffs to pull the Imdiko to an upright position, his arms and legs splayed wide to give him a good view. He spent a few seconds admiring his win, much to Lokmi’s chagrin. He really was stunning as far as sexiness went. A nice amount of muscle, gorgeous proportions, and a hearty couple of handfuls between his legs. As Kila drank in the vision, the captured man couldn’t help but pull against his binds, still trying to find a way out of his predicament. It made his muscles work in fascinating ways.
Even as heat grew in his groin, Kila fought off another wave of hilarity. A Dramok who didn’t want control. An Imdiko who demanded control. And here he was, having to deal with the pair of them. Would have to continue dealing with them if Piras went through with the mission and succeeded in getting them in the Basma’s good graces.